Lonesome Road location 枯井 外观 概述 普遍 游戏信息 技术 领袖 盖乌斯·马格努斯 组织 凯撒军团 (以前)卷发部落 (以前) 生物 烙印者 布局 属于 亚利桑那州 地图进出口 驶往枯井的船 地图标记 枯井 单元名称 NVDLC04NukeLegion01NVDLC04NukeLegion02 Ref ID xx{{#pad:00ab7b|6|0|left}}xx{{#...
Gas canister Barrel Forecourt canopy Corner angel statue Giant head statue Kirby head statue Metroman Metrowoman Shroud head statue Torso man statue The Visitor The Interloper Lost diver Flora cluster Skulls and bones 1 Skulls and bones 2 Skulls and bones 3 Skulls and bones 4 Skulls and bones ...
Grenades Bio-gas canister· Cryo grenade· Frag grenade· Nuka-grenade· Plasma grenade· Pulse grenade Mines Bottlecap mine· Cryo mine· Frag mine· Plasma mine· Pulse mine Cut content Accessible (Black Bart's Bane)· (Breaker)· (Clover's Cleaver)· (Curse Breaker, Excalibat)· (Discharg...
--- Canister (CAN)--- Carcass (CARC)--- Explosive (EXP)--- Shrapnel (SHRP)--- Solid (SLD)- Harpoon--- Barbed (BARB)--- Explosive (EXP)--- Flechette (FLCH)--- Poisoned (POIS)--- Sharpened (AP)--- Standard (STND)- Railway Spike (Spike)...
Plant Spray Canister (kills all spore plants instantly) Gas Mask Solar Scorcher (this was its original location) Test Tube ArtThe EPA is 4 maps large. These maps are small, and these "levels" often share the same map. Parking Lot Entrance Level (Office Building) Level Red (Security, ...
The coastal monument, also known as the Blackhall Needle is a monument west of Blackhall Manor. It honors Captain John Smith who discovered Point Lookout in 1612. It features a central obelisk with a commemorative plaque and some benches. There can also
每一个出现在你的哔哔小子中的任务在完成基础游戏后都会获得成就(在Xbox 360和PC)或奖杯(在PlayStation 3)。未标记任务不提供成就/奖杯。眺望角和断钢的支线任务也不提供成就/奖杯。 辐射3中的大多数任务都涉及或可以通过战斗情况来完成(例如杀死在血缘关系中的万斯和血族)。
player.additem 00059B33 25; Gas Canister player.additem 000E1FF9 25; Gear player.additem 00163A12 25; Giddyup Buttercup player.additem 00163A15 25; Giddyup Buttercup Back Leg player.additem 00163A16 25; Giddyup Buttercup Body player.additem 00163A14 25; Giddyup Buttercup Front Leg player.additem...