· Brawling Chemist· Collateral Damage· Detonation Contagion· Electric Absorption· Exploding Palm· Far-Flung Fireworks· Follow Through· Funky Duds· Hack and Slash· Legendary Agility· Legendary Charisma· Legendary Endurance· Legendary Intelligence· Legendary Luck· Legendary Perception· Legendary ...
Electric Absorption 1 10% chance enemy energy attacks recharge your power armor's fusion core. 005A5DE4 2 13% chance enemy energy attacks recharge your power armor's fusion core. 005A5DE3 3 16% chance enemy energy attacks recharge your power armor's fusion core. 005A5DE2 4 20...
[verified] The Flatwoods monster laser beam attack does not count as an energy weapon, and will not proc Electric Absorption. It still deals energy damage.[verified]GalleryDeceased Flatwoods monster in the process of teleporting A sheepsquatch under the monster's control A Scorchbeast under the...
Only works in power armor: Electric Absorption Full Charge Pain Train Power Armor Reboot Power Patcher Power Sprinter StabilizedBugsEntering/exiting power armor may break reload effects from perks: Ground Pounder, Lock and Load, Scattershot and the reload speed legendary effect.[已验证] ...
辅助能力卡在辐射76 取代了以前的技能。每张辅助能力卡需要消耗SPECIAL属性的点数来装备。高阶卡牌由两张相同的低阶卡牌组合而成。等级越高的卡的效果越好。玩家可以在一种SPECIAL属性中装备多张卡,只要这些卡的总点数不超过属性等级。每个属性的最大属性级别为15,所有SPECIAL的最大属性级别为56(平均每个SPECIAL为8,...
The Legendary Run is the fourth major update for Fallout 76. It introduced seasons and legendary perks, among other features. The update started out introducing the first-ever season in Fallout 76. Alongside this, Public Teams were also introduced, allow