Alpha-Todeskralle Alpha Deathclaw Arcade Gannon Waffenkammer-Paladin Armory Paladin Atomisieren Atomize Rumser-Wiederverwerter Boomer Scrapper Cait die Käfig-Kämpferin Cait, Cage Brawler Cass, Hand der Rache Cass, Hand of Vengeance Colonel Autumn Kontaminierter Trunk Contaminated Drink...
the Fallout TV series' trailer even featured a monstrous mutated bear. While that's horrifying to behold, some of the lore's more fantastical creatures, like the Deathclaw, are even more terrifying. An agile, massive mutant horned Jackson's chameleon, the Deathclaw is even capable of mimicking...
Mister Handy is a robot character added to Fallout Shelter with the Android release on August 13, 2015. The Mister Handy is a robotic assistant to the overseer of the vault. It will move around on a single floor of the vault collecting resources and defe
Deathclaw... 427 Deathclaw! Time for the big guns! 428 Friggin eyebots... shut up, already! 429 C'mere, spare parts... 430 I'm doing you a favor here, slimeball. 431 Keep your irradiated ass away from me! 432 Try and hit the face! 433 God I hate these stupid shells... 434 ...
Gabe is an oversized cyberdog found in the X-8 research center's testing facility in the Fallout: New Vegas add-on Old World Blues. He is bigger than the other usual police or military cyberdog and is more powerful due to a huge intake of Psycho. Gabe wa
This Deathclaw is wildly aggressive and... remembers. Waits. It needs to be destroyed. Warning, kill this thing. 438 00571FFC I heard a chem junkie say she could see in this Deathclaw's mind while in a dream, and then it showed up for her the next day. Fiction? Maybe. Warning, ...