Fallout 76 weapon mod Glow sightsInfo Crafting Technical Value Weight 41 (cryolator)31 (syringer)25 (double-barrel shotgun)25 (hunting & radium rifles)25 (submachine gun)20 (bow & compound bow) 10 (combat & handmade rifles)10 (lever action rifle) 10 (bow & compound bow) ...
An example would be the combat rifle having a base damage increase by increments of 4 between level 20 and 50 leaving an unmodified level 50 combat rifle to have an additional 12 base damage over the level 20 counterpart and having a slightly longer condition bar. Higher level weapons also ...
Combat Rifle Redux Endorsements 43 Unique DLs 1,107 Total DLs 1,549 Total views 16,083 Version 5.0 Download: Manual 14 items Last updated 07 December 202411:23AM Original upload 08 April 20241:54PM Created by thezomX Uploaded by thezomx...
Prusa MK3 Display LCD Knob 有了这个小道具,你可以个性化装饰你的Prusa 3D打印机,给它一个独特的76旋钮。这个旋钮适合普鲁萨MK2、MK2.5和MK3。 0 5 Nuka Cola Clock 《Fallout》的后世界末日背景中有许多与我们日常生活有关的有趣物品——一战幸存者最喜欢的软饮料的广告仍然存在。当你在玩的时候,你甚至不会想...
Fallout 76 perks Modern Renegade Pistols gain +45% hip fire accuracy and a +12% chance to cripple a limb. Master Gunslinger Your non-automatic pistols now do +20% damage. Gun Runner Your running speed is increased by 20% when you have a pistol equipped....
Pistol 0000080A10毫米手枪10mm Pistol 0000434F10毫米冲锋枪10mm Sub Machine gun 00004321Alien Blaster 00004322突击步枪Assault Rifle 0001FFECBB Gun 00004323Brass Knukles 00004324Bottlecap Mines 0000433A国产自动步枪Chinese Assault Rifle 0000080B国产盒子炮Chinese Pistol 00004325Combat Knife 00004326散弹枪Combat ...
With a Fallout 76 hack, you can become a living god of the wasteland, always knowing where every nearby player is, and being able to lock on to them with a deadly headshot aimbot. With that kind of damage and a handy sniper rifle, no one will be able to stand in your way. ...
Combat Rifle Attachment And Weaponry Expansion - Rat Runners Arsenal - 戰鬥步槍增強 https://www.nexusmods.com/fallout4/mods/88182 The Attachment Pack - 另一個武器改造擴展 https://www.nexusmods.com/fallout4/mods/76924 Eli's Armour Compendium - EAC - 常常只看到那幾套的Lore Friendly服裝 ...
Your best bet is probably the Combat Rifle on the third model to proxy as a Laser Rifle, but it’s frustrating that there isn’t a Laser Rifle in here. That gives you: Paladin with Gatling Laser (Leader Champion) Knight with Ripper and Laser Pistol (Grunt) Knight with Laser Rifle (...
R91 5.56mm Assault RifleThe R Series of combat assault rifles was used reliably following the discontinuation of the M series in the early 21st century. The R series, produced by civilian manufacturer Stent Security Solutions, was made in many models and variations. The variation most common to...