Light machine gun Bozar (GRA)1 Marksman carbine1 All-American1 Service rifle Survivalist's rifle Sniper rifle1 Christine's CoS silencer rifle1 Gobi Campaign scout rifle1 Trail carbine Varmint rifle Ratslayer1 Unique weapons are listed in bold text. 1 Scoped by default.SMGsSubmac...
the Enclave was capable of outfitting its soldiers with weapons far above anything the wasteland could muster, including standardized Mark II power armors derived from the X-01, introduced in 2220,[187] widespread plasma and laser weapons (such as the urban plasma rifle developed shortly before ...
Map of The Forest Region of Appalachia, West Virginia for Fallout 76 Video Game. The map contains all the locations you can visit in F76, Public Workshops, Player Stash Boxes, Vendors, Merchants and Traders locations, Treasure Maps Dig locations and Fiss
events, and other items in-game. Outside of these improvements, Bethesda has also made a big overhaul to how mods are described inFallout 76. These description changes should further help players realize more easily what they will do when equipped...
--- 10mm Auto. Technically a new ammo type since vanilla 10mm was replaced by 9x19mm FMJ. (See above.)--- 7.92x33mm Kurz (7.92x33mmK). Used by the Volkssturmgewehr (Radium Rifle) and the Pipe Rifle.--- 40x46mm Grenade- Bulk ammo items added:...
An explosive combat shotgun with an advanced receiver (firing 8 projectiles instead of a base of 7), 3 star Demolition Expert and 5 star Rifleman can do up to 2*100+(15*1.75)*8=410 Base Damage per shot. (V.A.T.S. does not take every projectile into account, and the weapon infor...
With a Fallout 76 hack, you can become a living god of the wasteland, always knowing where every nearby player is, and being able to lock on to them with a deadly headshot aimbot. With that kind of damage and a handy sniper rifle, no one will be able to stand in your way. ...
Trying to do a runthrough of the Triggerman warehouses in Goodneighbor with an automatic plasma rifle will reproduce this bug within a few minutes. The Buffout logs confirm it's an issue with a skeleton.nif related to a Triggerman. Without Cross Gore Overhaul, I never have this issue. I ...
[A3]DaksCombatRifle.esp [A4]DD_Khassar_De_Templari_Increased_build.esp [FE]LIF_EliArmourCompendium.esp [A5]Eli_Display Shelves.esp [FE]SD_Cappy_in_a_Haystack_UFO4P_Fix.esp [A6]EasyHacking.esp [FE]ECO_CCNeonFlats.esp [FE]CROSS_InstituteExpeditionarySuit-FallUIPatch.esp [FE]...
I shoot BoS guys in power armor and synths all the time without ramifications (Stealthed with a silenced radium rifle) ) . My favorite action is to sneak up on BoS that are wearing power armor (from behind) and pickpocket their power cores. They then exit their power armor and I steal...