mutated creatures in the game. As all the previous Fallout games the prequel also have theS.P.E.C.I.A.L. progression system, but it was improved and revised.In Fallout 76 the protagonisthas the following attributes: Strength, Perception, Endurance, Charisma, Intelligence, Agility, Luck. With...
What would Fallout be without its trademark, i.e. the S.P.E.C.I.A.L system (first letters from the names of statistics: Strength, Perception, Endurance, Charisma, Intelligence, Agility, and Luck) and perks closely related to it. In my opinion, this is one of the most interesting and...
76Uncover Rivet City's true history. (Optional) 78Return to Moira. 80Install the Processor Widget in the RobCo Production Facility mainframe. 84Reprogram the RobCo facility mainframe. (Optional) 88Return to Moira. 90Access the card catalog in the Arlington Public Library. ...
↑Whitespring surveillance recordings#Whitespring surveillance recording 6.2.4 社区内容除另有注明外,均在CC-BY-SA许可协议下提供。 成为第一个在麥林托克營上发表评论的人! Fan Feed 自由至尊Fallout中文維基 David ThorpeFallout中文維基 动力装甲(辐射76)Fallout中文維基...
(particularly Speech) offers more benefits than the stat itself. Intelligence offers more dialogue options and skill points per level. Agility governs Armor Class values and the number of Action Points available each round. Finally, Luck (my personal favorite) is an all-or-nothing ...
having 30 Strength, 30 Agility, etc, before even considering buffs or chems. So not only were they dealing insanely more damage, they were also passing all the Speech checks added with actual human NPCs no problem as well. Clearly, this was how Bethesda wanted the Fallout 76 experience to ...
Agility:Gunslinger- Now affects all pistol-sized ballistic weapons (full-auto or otherwise).- Damage bonuses removed for all ranks.- Rank 2 and 3 range bonuses removed.- Each rank increases hip-fire accuracy by a cumulative 5%, up to a max of 25% at rank 5....
Agility: Moving Target, Action Boy/Girl, Evasive, Sneak, Adrenaline, Gun FuLuck: Psychopath, Four Leaf Clover, Grim Reaper's Sprint, Quick Hands, Better Criticals, Critical Savvy Quotes“So for me, the time that it took for this application, it took a while...but I would watch a ...
Nate's fitness stats (strength and endurance and MAYBE agility) at 4 might be better than Nora's at 4, and her charisma and intelligence are high pre war as she was a JAG (military) lawyer, which means she also had basic officer training, meaning she can probably aim well too and wou...
避難所科技輔助瞄準系統(英文名:Vault-Tec Assisted Targeting System,简写V.A.T.S.),是 Fallout 3、Fallout: 新維加斯、Fallout 4和Fallout 76中的遊戲特色,靈感來自Fallout與Fallout 2的回合制戰鬥中射擊特定部位的能力。也能提供類似時間暫停或子彈時間的視覺動態