Portal:Fallout 4 5AdvertisementFallout中文維基 6,533 个页面 探索 电视剧 辐射游戏 其他游戏&媒体 社区 大陆简体 中文 查看源代码 每个人都想拯救世界。 他们只是在方式上有分歧。 异尘余生、辐射是由互动娱乐和贝塞斯达软件公司制作的一款屡获大奖的后世界末日电脑角色扮演游戏系列,游戏设定在一个乌托邦、复古未来...
辐射维基, 核子百科和避难所,是一个由志愿者编辑组成的社区,他们共同努力创建系列的终极指南,从电脑和桌面游戏,通过详细的开发数据,到即将推出的电视剧系列!热门页面辐射:新维加斯 地图 辐射4 银衣怪客(任务) Fallout 4地圖 Fallout 4地点 Portal:Fallout 4 ...
1 Fallout 4 (Original Game Soundtrack) 1.1 Fallout 4 Main Theme 1.2 The Commonwealth 1.3 Of Green and Grey 1.4 Portal to the Past 1.5 Standoff 1.6 Combat Ready 1.7 Deeper and Darker 1.8 Wandering - The Blasted Forest, Pt. 1 1.9 Brightness Calling 1.10 Of the People, for the People 1....
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↑Fallout 76 Vault Dweller's Survival Guidep.485:"18. PYLON V-13 A scientist of some repute has constructed an electrical scientific experiment (an inter-dimensional time traveling portal) at the front end of a suspended monorail tram. To test it out, you must climb the pylon the tram is...
Section-stub. This key section of the article is incomplete. You can help the Guild Wars 2 Wiki by expanding it. Reason: Investigate other dialogue branches Captain Fa: Make your case, Commander. Navan carries enough weight that I will hear you out. But make it quick. (Bargain) I'm ...
http://fallout.wikia.com/wiki/Recovering_missing_non-player_character_in_Fallout_3)However, when I landed on "Cell 0,0" using command "coe 0,0 (point 0,0 x2000 y2000)", they had gathered around me. Also when a door is set to the arbitrary places of "Cell 0,0" and Player uses...
So… What doyouwant to see inFallout 4? Or if you’d like to reach me otherwise, mention it in a comment. FalloutandFallout 2images from theFallout Wiki.10.7 broke my PPC Fallout apps! 2011/09/17 at 03:50 I have to disagree with most of your post. ...
Ranged:+5 Chinese Pistol (2d4 ballistics) Space:/Reach:5x5 ft/5 ft Base Attack:/Grapple:+1/+1 Action Points:5 Combat Gear:Chinese Army Jmupsuit, Chinese Assualt Rifle 3d6 7.62 rounds, Chinese Pistol 2d6 10mm ammo, Knife AbilitiesStr:12,Dex:18,Con:8,Int:8,Wis:10,Cha:6 ...
Fallout中文维基: Fallout 4 专题 欢迎来到核子百科的辐射4导航页! 辐射4是由贝塞斯达游戏工作室开发并由贝塞斯达软件公司发行的后末日角色扮演游戏。这是辐射系列的第五部主要作品和全系的第八款游戏。游戏发生在波士顿,麻萨诸塞州。 游戏玩法与辐射3和辐射:新维加斯非常相似,能够从第一人称视角切换到第三人称...