(or a place where one can find some stuff to sell and gain an NPC(probably one of the best)) So my question is: What is the role of the Sierra Army Depot in Fallout and what it has to do with the F.E.V. experiments and weaponry development or maybe some kind of an artificial ...
Where Elder Lyons and the ones that are in the Capital Wasteland, they're like an off-shoot group, they're not really associated with the main group. So that was a tricky thing to balance, whereas in Fallout 4, they're back more like the hardliner stance, a little closer to what ...
The Creation Club (also known as Creations) is an officially supported venue for developers and modders to create and sell their content on Bethesda Softworks games, featuring in Fallout 4 and The Elder Scrolls V: Skyrim. Purchasing of the content is don
Christopher Wright: "{390}{}{Makes alcohol, runs guns, rubs out people who fuck with him…typical family stuff. Mom'd be pissed if she actually paid mind to what was going on. And 'specially if she found this still, here.}"(NcChrWri.msg) ↑ The Chosen One: "{252}{}{Who are...
Diary of a Madman - Shortcut to Depravity's evil alternate endings for the Fallout 4 vanilla main quest, if you don't want to play all of Depravity Collect the whole series Additional Quality of Life StuffThug Co - The Companionator - If you want one holotape to control...
This page is a list of loading screen hints and slides found in Fallout 4. They show snippets of the general information that is found in the stats section under the general tab on the player character's Pip-Boy 3000, along with information regarding the
4. Encounter - Draw and resolve an encounter card according to your position on the map. 5. Fight - Fight and attempt to kill an enemy in your space. 6. Camp - Recover some HP, unexhaust your companions, and exchange stuff with other survivors. On any given player’s turn, they are...
This can trigger nicely additional times off stuff that causes attacking to trigger more or more combats, which lets you really leverage the ability and get the number of quest counters up really rapidly to dangerous levels. Marcy: Oh, Boone. I don’t make it very hidden that I tend to ...
I claimed the various zones and whatnot first, but I wasn't feeling the settlement takeover stuff. Pretty sure I ended up killing at least 100 people before it was all said and done. I found all but 4 of the various Star Cores, so I looked up where the others were so I could ...
ll just as soon smash up your meager shack as eat you alive. Having a solid base camp is not optional this time, although it also doesn’t require settlers or constant curation. You also get a persistent underground vault that travels with you, so put your good stuff there where a ...