辐射4VR(Fallout 4 VR)HTC VIVE 中文 2024-10-02 Steam VR游戏· 冒险/动作 1.69k 518 推广 类型:动作、射击、冒险 联机:原生VR游戏(定位控制器) 大小:24.39 GB 版本:2024年9月29日v14743947 语言:多国语言(包含中文) 平台:HTC VIVE / Oculus Rift / Valve Index /?所有电脑VR设备...
【VR游戏】辐射4VR(Fallout 4 VR) 中文版下载 是一款角色扮演类型的游戏,玩家将通过自己ID努力,重新建造新的人类家园 推荐指数 8 支持语言 简体中文 支持设备 Valve Index HTC Vive Oculus Rift Windows Mixed Reality 控制设备 定位运动控制器 游戏类型 角色扮演 游戏版本 V1. 游戏大小 24.38GB 压缩格式...
You can find the ini file to set SS to 1.0 from 1.4 in your document - Documents/My Games/Fallout4VR/Fallout4Custom.ini. Open it using notepad then scroll to the bottom and add the code below. Since it's running well at this time I'm going to avoid changing anything for now, pl...
2014 年 5 月,ZeniMax 向 Facebook 和 Oculus VR 发送信件,声称卡马克在 Oculus Rift 项目上的贡献都源自对 ZeniMax 知识产权的窃取,并表示「在 2012 和 2013 年,正因为 ZeniMax 为 Palmer Luckey 和其他人相关的 Oculus 员工提供了必要的 VR 技术支持以及其他宝贵的帮助才使得 Oculus Rift 成为...
官方暂时还没有明确表示Oculus Rift能不能支持Bethesda对两个游戏的VR模式,Betheda公司在ZeniMax公司旗下,而之前因为ZeniMax公司原本的《毁灭战士》设计师John Carmack离开了另外一家Zenimax旗下著名工作室“Id software”转投Oculus做CTO,所以Zenimax起诉了Oculus,由于这段宿仇的存在,很可能Betheda的这两款游戏将无缘Oc...
It’s just not a good VR experience in the ways I’d usually qualify that statement. Job Simulator is a great VR introduction. It’s intuitive. You pick up the Oculus Rift or HTC Vive, you put it on, you grab the controllers, you see they’re your hands, you start interacting with...
A noticeable absence from all of these games’ launch platforms though is the Oculus Rift. Arguably still the most recognized name in virtual reality, it would make sense to release such big games on all of the main VR platforms. While Bethesda has said itplans to support as many headsets ...
I definitely want to play it and thanks to openvr that won’t be an issue on my oculus but I just can’t bring myself to pay full price for fallout 4 again especially since I didn’t like it nearly as much as 3 to begin with and I’ve only managed to force myself through abou...