Vault 114 (Fallout 4) Leave it to Vault-Tec to drop the ball on their one good idea. Vault 114 was advertised to rich politicians and the wealthy elite, who would arrive to find themselves crammed into tiny apartments with shared bathrooms and at the mercy of a deranged, pantsless, Abra...
Vault 111 Jumpsuit – 0001EED7 Vault 111 Jumpsuit – 00050781 Vault 111 Jumpsuit New – 000976B7 Vault 114 Jumpsuit – 000976B5 Vault 81 Jumpsuit – 001103A4 Vault 81 Security Armor – 00154F10 Vault-Tec Lab Coat – 00068CF3 Vault-Tec Security Armor – 000821B4 Vault-Tec Security Helmet –...
Best places to farm Ceramic inFallout 4 Check behind the counters. Screenshot by Dot Esports. The best way to get Ceramic is by collecting coffee cups and the best place to get them isfrom dinners. Another place isvaults, especially Vault 95, which is southwest of Boston, andVault 114in...
Unlike many other cities, Boston also features one unusually successful Vault in the form of Vault 81, found at the westernmost limit of the city. Though it suffered due to the passage of time, it became a prominent settlement by the year 2287. The much larger Vault 114, located Boston ...
The Vault Dweller: "{113}{}{Why don't you try injecting it directly into the Amygdala?}"The Vault Dweller: "{114}{}{Why don't you try injecting it into the Medula?}"(MADSCI.MSG) ↑ See psyker for details.↑ 跳转至: 16.0 16.1 The Chosen One: "{126}{}{What can you tell me...
Fixed an issue with key cards not spawning correctly in Vault 75 Fixed an issue where enemies would stop spawning during "Airship Down" Being in first person while wearing power armor and quickly switching weapons will no longer cause the Pip-Boy to be stuck ...
在昆西采石场(Quincy Quarries)坑洞之中,正是88号避难所(Vault 88)的入口所在地。 核战爆发,昆西采石场(Quincy Quarries)上空的高架桥上正行驶着载满核辐射废料桶的卡车,爆炸的冲击波直接将卡车冲下高架桥,倾覆的卡车车厢里的辐射桶全部散落于采石场中央的水池中…… 战后,这里被一群尸鬼(Ghoul)掠夺者(Raiders)...
Fallout 4 VR CNY¥249.00CNY 该商品需要基本游戏{名称}。 游戏说明 Winner of E3 2015 "Best in Show", get the Fallout 4 Season Pass and get access to all Fallout 4 DLC for one S.P.E.C.I.A.L. price. As the sole survivor of Vault 111, you enter a world destroyed by nuclear war...
往西下台阶,进入底层一个生活区,往南走进入休息大厅,撬开东边专家级锁的门进入,里面有核聚变发电机,房间的控制台上有1个星核(Star core),桌子上有研究负责人的终端机(Project lead terminal),旁边还有避难所科技控制室的钥匙;阅读终端机里路易斯·贝特曼(Luis Batemen)博士写的日志,可以发现避难所科技公司(Vault-...
Vault Into the Cloud Adventurers needed, whether for mapping the irradiated wasteland or shaping the fate of humanity. Embark on a journey through ruins of the post-apocalyptic Commonwealth in Fallout 4. As the sole survivor of Vault 111, navigate a world destroyed by nuclear war, make choices...