The synth component is a junk item in Fallout 4 and its add-on Far Harbor. A small device of unknown function found only on Generation 3 synths. It can sometimes be found on corpses of settlers, indicating that they are synths, although it is not clear i
在与阿玛利博士(Doctor Amari)对话之后,阿玛利博士(Doctor Amari)告诉玩家,她在为逃离学院(The Institute)的合成人(Synth)G5-19进行危险的记忆清除程序时失败了,现在她正处于植物人状态,因此,如果G5-19的监护人同意,这个脑死的合成人(Synth)是当作居里(Curie)载体的好对象。 在等待24小时后,G5-19的监护人来到...
玩家若以铁路组织的身份承认菲莉丝·戴利(Phyllis Daily)是合成人(Synth),她同样会把码头交由玩家管理;之后,玩家的其他任务栏中就显示“告诉戴斯德蒙娜有关菲莉丝·戴利的事”;当然,玩家现在若以加入学院(The Institute),其他任务栏中就显示“向合成人(Synth)回收部门回报菲莉丝·戴利的事”。过段时间,菲莉丝·戴利...
↑ Glory: "So you're the one that wants to put a robot brain in G5-19? You know she's a synth. We're supposed to protect them."Dr. Amari: "Glory, she wanted new memories. She knew her personality would be all but erased. G5's off life support right now. Her body is deter...
剑桥校园餐厅的西北边就是肯德尔医院(Kendall Hospital),战后,这个医院成为铁路(The Railroad)的藏身点,被称为奥古斯塔安全屋(Augusta Safehouse);不幸的是,学院(the Institute)发现了这里,由一批追猎者(Coursers)带领合成人(Synth)攻占了奥古斯塔安全屋(Augusta Safehouse),并审问了黑鸟(Blackbird)。不久,一伙掠夺者...
It is possible to glitch the quest during the synth attack in such a way that all guns, energy weapons, and explosives including Minutemen artillery will cease dealing damage. From that point on, other characters and the player character may fire or throw grenades at each other to no effect...
Synth beacon grenade, a cut grenade which is identical to thesynth relay grenadebut has no related scripting and so will not spawn synths. It would have been connected to the questOperation Ticonderoga. Test grenade launcher: A weapon unusable by the player character due to the Non-Playable fl...
攻击聚居地的怪物种类很多,有掠夺者(Raiders)、枪手(Gunners)、超级变种人(Super Mutants)、狂尸鬼(Feral Ghoul)、泥沼蟹(Mirelurk)、合成人(Synth);若玩家与钢铁兄弟会(Brotherhood of Steel)为敌,则还会有钢铁兄弟会(Brotherhood of Steel)飞鸟直升机(Vertibird)(Artillery)的入侵。 十一、钢铁兄弟会(Brotherhood of...
Leather armor is a multi-piece set of armor in Fallout 4. Leather armor consists of five separate pieces - the chest, both arms and both legs. Like with all other armor pieces, each can be worn over clothing to combine the stat bonuses, however certain o
Can be used to change into a Ghoul, Super Mutant, or a Synth. You can find a list of the race ID's using the help function. player.setrace Human –Reverts any race change. Note: Changing into certain races can crash the game