81号避难所(英文名:Vault 81)是2287年在联邦的一个避难所科技避难所。 背景 81号避难所是一个有效的避难所。前监督者的终端机(存储在发电机室)揭示了这次成功是由于原监督者主动破坏了避难所科技最初的任务,拒绝进行实验。[1][Non-game 1] 避难所科技创建81号避难所的目的是为人类可能遭受的所有疾病开发一种单...
Lethargy4 days50% slowerAP regeneration. Parasites7 daysFood provides half as much hunger reduction; must eat twice as much food to avoidhunger debuffs. Weakness2 daysTake 20% more damage. Various herbal remedies become available for crafting, purchase and as loot inSurvival mode: ...
Chems have weight (in and out of survival). Radiation is more of a threat. Addiction penalties are more harsh. Low quality foods and raw meats have a chance to give diseases. All foods crafted with Wasteland Gourmet are disease free. Herbal Remedies less common and now require Wasteland Go...
Survival Difficulty is particularly nasty, with healing items greatly reducing the rate of regeneration. This effectively makes them less useful during combat, should you find yourself in a dangerous situation.Gameplay Tips and Things that Aren't Obvious for New PlayersHelpful tips for new players. ...
In addition to that, you can tweak many aspects of the survival added features. Like tweaking disease chance, disabling Adrenaline. Choose how long you can maximally sleep on the different bet types.And mo Share Requirements Permissions and credits Translations French Changelogs If you are...
In Survival, eating uncooked meat, drinking unpurified water, taking damage from disease-ridden foes and using harmful Chems all put your body at increased risk for various ill effects. Be smart and keep Antibiotics handy. In Survival, items that cleanse your body of Rads come with the cost ...
Falloutcreator Timothy Cainhas said that his goal was to make the player’s experience as immersive as possible, so even the physical packaging was designed to fit with the game’s setting. The manual, “Vault Dweller’s Survival Guide,”is written in the style of an official Vault-Tec doc...
The sleeping bag is a constructible settlement and world object in Fallout 4. An ochre colored sleeping bag, with a zip along the side. They can be found in settlements, pre-War buildings and in makeshift shelters throughout the Commonwealth. They can be
And finally, there is survival mode, which adds thirst, hunger, disease and exhaustion. IMO, this is the best mode and I found it impossible to play the game on any other mode afterwards. Of course running around the commonwealth can be very time-consuming so it might not be applicable ...
Water Survival Techniques If your water becomes contaminated and you don't have bottled water, you can purify it in a few different ways. If it is cloudy, first filter it through clean cloths or allow it to settle and then pour off the clear water. Then, you can boil the water for on...