Navy Submachinegun(Swedish K Carl Gustaf m45):瑞典M45海军冲锋枪 曾经我最期待的一款白沙瓦冲锋枪,简单可靠+绿色喷漆。只不过后来转向了斯登和经典黑红色系。配合”Non-Munitions (Vanilla .38 Round) Patch for DegenerateDak's Navy Submachinegun (Swedish K Carl Gustaf m45) -- ESLified“,回避“Munitions...
This mod adds the French MAS-38 submachine gun to the Commonwealth, complete with custom meshes, 4K textures, 1st and 3rd person animations, sounds, and leveled list integration. It also adds consumab
It's finally here! The Vintage Submachine Gun. This Will be my very first weapon mod I've ever done so like I said there will be bugs and I will try to squash them when i can. But, for now in it's current state it should do the job. I have worked very hard to bring this ...
- Added ammo: 12.7mm round, 12 gauge shotgun shell (Renamed original Shotgun shell), 20 gauge shotgun shell, 40mm grenade, 40mm grenade, incendiary. - Fixed missing texture of Sniper rifle's magazine. v1.2 - Added weapons: 10mm submachine gun, 12.7mm submachine gun, Light machine gun...
Deadly Wastelandis a mod forFallout 4, created byGromdal. Description (in author’s own words): Fallout 4 is a fantastic game but the combat is very uneven. Low level raiders with 30 health and nuka world raiders with 1300+. Weapons that do almost no damage (thompson submachine gun etc...
In Fallout 4 the player is able to rename any weapon, including unique weapons, at any weapons workbench. However, the Silver submachine gun, the Survivor's Special, Ashmaker and Grognak's axe cannot be renamed, nor will they pick up any prefixes from modding. Renaming weapons does not ...
The .45 Auto submachine gun, also called the storm drum, is a weapon in the Fallout: New Vegas add-on Honest Hearts. A few years prior to 2281, Ulysses, a frumentarius of Caesar's Legion was sent to organize the White Legs tribe residing in the Great Sal
If you want to bypass the levelling system of Fallout 4, just use this command to set your character’s level. Set Skill Level player.modav <skillID> <#> Increases a specified S.P.E.C.I.A.L skill by the specified number.
Hammer 001A4AB0 Claw Hammer 001A0B14 Blacksmith Hammer 001A0B13 Masonry Hammer 001A0B12 Silver Submachine Gun Prop 0008BB31 Tack Hammer 001A0B11 Paintbrush 00060ECF Wooden Block – I & D 00059B1D Wooden Block – N & S 00197503
About this mod Donskie62的阿帕拉契亚10毫米冲锋枪翻译。 Share Requirements Permissions and credits Donskie62的阿帕拉契亚10毫米冲锋枪翻译。作者推荐的是Right Handed Nukaworld AK V1 and Mesh Fix at Fallout 4 Nexus - Mods and community (不用的话就是原版动画,我用的v2确实很奇怪(但...