Edward Deegan may also be encountered inside the Dugout Inn to initiate the quest Special Delivery. Sometimes while waiting in the market, an Assaultron may spawn. While not hostile to the player character, it will attack other characters in the city. It may spawn as a glitch after hacking ...
Fallout 76 has been patched over 50 times since it was released to improve the player experience, such as by fixing bugs, increasing stashbox space by 800 pounds, and adding living human NPCs, more quests and events. Many of the Atomic Shop cosmetics received price drops. Fallout 76 has a...
Before reporting bugs, check the Troubleshooting Guide and make sure you're using the newest version of Fallout Fixt(You can check your version from the bottom-left or bottom-right of the game's main menu screen.) When adding a new entry or confirming an