Saugus Ironworks is a location in the Commonwealth occupied by the Forged in 2287. Once a historic pre–Revolutionary War ironworks, Saugus was reopened during the Sino-American War. The location is now run by Slag and his group, the Forged.[Non-game 1]
战后,索格斯打铁坊(SaugusIron Works)的掠夺者(Raiders)头目矿渣(Slag)为了获得稳定的铁矿石来源,就派属下贝德兰(Bedlam)率领一伙掠夺者(Raiders)占领了敦威治钻探公司(Dunwich Borers);贝德兰(Bedlam)一伙掠夺者(Raiders)行为残暴,常在采石场外面将抓到的人锁在笼子里烧死。在地下采石深洞中,贝德兰(Bedlam)还为自...
通用原子工厂(General Atomics factory)、可伟佳汽车装配厂(Corvega Assembly Plant)或者索格斯打铁坊(SaugusIron Works)都在怀疑之列,但是他没想到的是东南方的麻州核聚变厂隔离屋(Mass Fusion Containment Shed)嫌疑最大。6月25日,重复测量发现污染物仍然在增多,建议正式调查,取消钓鱼锦标赛。但是7月4日,由通用原...
索格斯鐵工廠(英文名:Saugus Ironworks)是在联邦的一个地点,于2287年被打铁帮占领。 索格斯曾经是一个历史悠久的革命战争前的钢铁厂,在中美戰爭期间重新开放。该地点现在由矿渣和他的团队打铁帮管理。[Non-game 1] 该地点是一个大型多层炼铁厂,由主厂房以及屋顶和地面
#09 大枪(大型枪) 使用重型武器时获得+25%暴击伤害 Vault 95 95号避难所 #10 能量(能量武器) 使用能量武器时获得+25%暴击伤害 Fort Hagen 黑根堡 #11 爆破(爆裂物) 使用爆裂物时获得+15%伤害 Saugus Ironworks 索格斯打铁坊 #12 开锁(撬锁) 开锁变得更简单了 ...
Yessir. It's right near the Saugus Ironworks. Almost literally right across from it. It is the Slog, and it's a tonberry farm in a pool area. SeduceMePlz Foolish Mortal Registered: Mar 2011 From United States Posted December 11, 2015 LiquidOxygen80: I actually farm .38 ammo for sellin...
主页面:Raiders (Fallout 4) 在联邦,掠夺者的组织能力比以前更强。掠夺者现在技术更先进了,可以使用机关枪炮塔和自动聚光灯——一些掠夺者的首领甚至重新使用了动力装甲。但是,联邦的掠夺者没有一个集中的组织,而是分成几个团体。从终端和对话中可以看出,这些群体有的相互对抗,有的互不干涉。例如,Red Tourette的团队...
Saugus Ironworks Taffington Boathouse Map of Salem Mahkra Fishpacking Dunwich Borers Kingsport Lighthouse Longneck Lukowski's Cannery Libertalia Croup Manor Sandy Coves Convalescent House Lynn Pier Parking Revere Satellite Array Map of Fort Hagen ...
Fixed an issue with obtaining the Dampening Coils from Saugus Ironworks before going to Yangtze During "Unlikely Valentine," fixed an issue where the player could be blocked from entering Vault 114 In "Confidence Man," Bull and Gouger can now be killed ...
Fixed an issue with obtaining the Dampening Coils from Saugus Ironworks before going to Yangtze During "Unlikely Valentine," fixed an issue where the player could be blocked from entering Vault 114 In "Confidence Man," Bull and Gouger can now be killed ...