《急信(Hasty letter)》:“他妈的这些臭掠夺者(Raider)。他们夺下核子世界(Nuka-World),把商人(Trader)赶走,或抓为奴隶。我留在这里太危险了,但我不可能带着猫走。如果你在看这张字条,有安全的地方,拜托你给露娜(Luna)和卡塔娜(Katana)一个家。” 13、布拉德伯顿陆桥(Bradberton Overpass) 核子世界红火箭站(...
这些随机事件(Random Event)有很多都是有名字的特殊NPC,如女医生安德森(Doc Anderson)、武器商微笑赖瑞(Smiling Larry)、移动酒保罗恩·史泰普(Ron Staples)、护甲小贩学士(The Scribe)、普雷斯顿·加维(Preston Garvey)的朋友班·吉普森(Ben Gibson)、玩具商小女孩凯特(ref id:00184490)、柯林顿(Clinton)与其女儿查莉...
有时玩家在这些公路段,还能遇到一名叫古鲁尔(Gruel)的掠夺者厨师(the raider chef),但这个厨师不能对话交易,刚碰面这货就会要挟玩家滚开;玩家稍一靠近就开打……打死古鲁尔(Gruel),搜索尸体会搜出一张购物清单,当然还会获取一顶厨师帽: 《古鲁尔(Gruel)的清单》:“古鲁尔(Gruel)的买菜单:- 几磅妖怪(Yao guai)肉...
raiderClass 战斗风格 Default 攻击性 Unaggressive (normal, template)Aggressive (quest) 自信度 Foolhardy 援助 Helps Allies Form ID 0042A5F7 (normal)0042AF7E (Overseer, Overseen)001827F9 (template) Ref ID 0053F6BD (normal)00400483 (Overseer, Overseen) 种族 HumanRace 身体特征 眼睛颜色 Light brown ...
Example: help raider 4 armo –Lists all armors with "raider" in their name. Example: help "gunner con" 4 npc_ –Lists all NPCs with "gunner con" in their name, such as "Gunner Conscript".ClearConsole or clear –Clears the console log. Note: While the command is accepted, it does...
Handler(00108b32CZ_Handler): A human raider associated with the Combat Zone. Combatant(00118ed6CZ_CombatantLVL): A hostile radiant raider associated with the Combat Zone. Confessor Adalia(000335c2ConfessorAdalia): A hostile human female Children of Atom member. ...
This mod allows you to recruit several vanilla unique NPCs as settlers, makes many named settlers moveable between settlements, and adds new unique NPCs that can be recruited to settlements.
* Mixture of female and male NPC's (needs more work to randomize faces) * All Grenades have been remove from NPCs * All dead NPCs drop items relevant to there class (read raiding group features for more info) * You DO NOT need to be enemies with any faction to run these raids, all...
Fallout 4 v1.10.163 Buffout 4 v1.28.6 Unhandled exception "EXCEPTION_ACCESS_VIOLATION" at 0x7FF79AA2D204 Fallout4.exe+241D204 [Compatibility] F4EE: true [Crashlog] AutoOpen: true PromptUpload: true [Fixes] ActorIsHostileToActor: true CellInit: true CreateD3DAndSwapChain:...
[00:05] Above errors were found in :RaiderRaceStarterUseWeap01 [PACK:000533A8] [00:05] Reference -> Found a NULL reference, expected: ACHR,ACRE,PGRE,PLYR,PMIS,REFR [00:05] Above errors were found in :CTDA - Condition [00:05] Above errors were found in :Conditions ...