A Guide to Fallout 4 which covers perks, strategy, gameplay mechanics, and offers tips to help you get more enjoyment from the game.
Quick Tip Tap the badges in the command to quickly adjust the values!Fallout Cheats Command List Item Codes More Fallout 4 IDs Blog Other Websites The Fallout 4 Database Fallout 4 Cheats List An updated list of all Fallout 4 console commands for PC and Mac (Steam). Cheats in ...
The Pip-Boy edition of Fallout 4 features: a wearable Pip-Boy that can, according to a Forbes article, hold the iPhone 6, iPhone 5/5s, iPhone 4/4s, Samsung Galaxy S4, the Samsung Galaxy S5 and many other smartphones using foam inserts.[Non-game 19] a Pip-Boy pocket guide, a ...
在狩猎冒险区爬虫类展览馆(Safari Adventure reptile house)里,能看到一只短吻鳄爪(Gatorclaw)正爬在笼子里休息;打死短吻鳄爪(Gatorclaw)后,从铁笼的东南边的台阶下去,往东北方至底部一层,留意这里有两只辐射鼠(Rad-rats),展览窗口的墙壁上有爬虫类展览馆参观终端机(Reptile House tour guide terminal)。在战前,爬...
The Battle of Bunker Hill is a pivotal quest inFallout 4that influences the game’s main storyline and affects your relationship with many factions. Recommended Videos The quest is quite short, but there are multiple ways to complete it. So, in this guide, we’ve compiled everything you ne...
(Fallout 3 Official Game Guide Game of the Year Edition Wasteland Census) ↑Fallout 3 Official Game GuideGame of the Year Edition p.98:"Star Paladin Cross Star Paladin Cross is the highest ranking Brotherhood of Steel soldier in the Citadel, but she no longer works in the field. Instead,...
主页面:Raiders (Fallout 4) 在联邦,掠夺者的组织能力比以前更强。掠夺者现在技术更先进了,可以使用机关枪炮塔和自动聚光灯——一些掠夺者的首领甚至重新使用了动力装甲。但是,联邦的掠夺者没有一个集中的组织,而是分成几个团体。从终端和对话中可以看出,这些群体有的相互对抗,有的互不干涉。例如,Red Tourette的团队...
Fallout 4 Vault Dweller’s Collector’s Edition Survival Guide includes... EXCLUSIVE MAP OF THE COMMONWEALTH! This hardcover Vault Dweller’s Survival Guide comes packaged with a premium physical map of the Commonwealth that highlights important points of interest, valuable resources, and essential loc...
This area is also pretty irradiated, so either be quick, or switch back to your hazmat suit. You'll need to hack the terminal to gain access to the cache behind the locked door. You can hack it manually, or if you examine the wall just to the left of the terminal, your able to ...
In that case, you must be very quick - use the best equipment to avoid Kent being killed (cryogenic weapon can be useful for immobilizing the opponent. V.A.T.S. or Jets can be effective as well). You can also try shooting the hand of the enemy, there is a chance that the weapon...