Road to Freedom is a Railroad main quest in Fallout 4. There are multiple places to acquire this quest, specifically in Diamond City and Goodneighbor. It can be acquired from listening to the Join the Railroad holotape that can be found lying around, ove
Underground Undercover is a Railroad main quest and an achievement/trophy in Fallout 4. After the Sole Survivor gets into the Institute, the Railroad wants them to make contact with an anonymous person inside, nicknamed Patriot, who has been helping synt
玩家若将阿卡迪亚合成人的事告知铁路组织(The Railroad),铁路总部(Railroad HQ)会出现一个叫“拳击手(Boxer)”女联络人,她的任务是调查铁路(the Railroad)和位于岛上的阿卡迪亚(Acadia)的合成人避难所之间的关系,并可能建立联盟。 合成人(Synth)迪玛(DiMA)与尼克·瓦伦坦(Nick Valentine)一样,原本都是学院(The Ins...
在上文任务基础上,任务“人类重新定义”先不要做,先做铁路任务,主要接“地底潜入行动”任务;首先,至铁路总部(Railroad HQ),与戴斯蒙娜(Desdemona)对话,戴斯蒙娜(Desdemona)会让你进学院(The Institute)联系绰号“爱国者”的盟友;然后,“地底潜入行动”会触发,可以做这个任务一直做到帮Z-14消灭通道守卫,使其拥有为...
I have over a 1,000 hours of steam time in Fallout 4. I probably have even more from the playstation platform. In all of the years of playing and the majority of myy play-throughs have been siding with the Railroad. I've always had the quest Operation Ticonderoga - The quest that ...
A step-by-step example showing how to guess the correct password on a terminal in Fallout 4. How to Join the Railroad: Road to Freedom A simple step-by-step for joining the Railroad Faction in Fallout 4. Joining them and at least working with them for a bit can get you theBallistic ...
The decisions are very important when you have to decide for/against one of the four factions (Institute, Brotherhood, Railroad, Minutemen). This should be carefully considered or delayed. It is its own (open) world in which there is always something new to discover. Due to the large ...
在等待24小时后,G5-19的监护人来到(如果此时玩家加入了铁路组织(The Railroad),G5的监护人是铁路的重炮手葛洛莉),玩家需说服她将G5的身体捐给居礼。监护人同意后,阿玛利博士(Doctor Amari)遂将居里(Curie)的记忆移植到了合成人(Synth)G5-19的大脑里。居里(Curie)成女性合成人(Synth)后,与其交谈,任务遂完...
While exploring, either before or after starting Depravity, meet up with Danse at the Cambridge Police Station, do the quest Fire Support at Arc Jet Systems, and agree to join the Brotherhood of Steel.Also find The Railroad at their base and complete the quest Tradecraft with Deacon.Interact ...
DLC-sized quest mod. Apr '17 Mod of the Month runner-up. 20 hours of game play with new factions, locations, player bases, and fully-voiced custom companions.