Fallout 4 Power armor frameT-45 series power armorT-51 series power armor(Nuka T-51 power armor) T-60 series power armor(Exemplar's T-60c)(Honor)(Vengeance)(Tesla T-60 armor) X-01 series power armor(Quantum X-01 power armor) Raider modified power armor (Tessa's Fist)(Overboss ...
(3)、求救信号(Distresssignal) 求救信号(Distresssignal),从钢铁兄弟会的一位骑士(BrotherhoodofSteelknight)的求救脉冲装置(DistressPulser)发出的信号,在曼科药研(Med-TekResearch)东南边的房屋废墟、国民警卫队训练场(NationalGuardtrainingyard)的招募办公室(RecruitmentOffice)和里维尔卫星站(RevereSatelliteArray),都有...
Tempered +4 +4 – +2 +6 – Adhesive x2Cloth x2Steel x6 001946E6 Hardened Improves damage and energy resistance. Hardened +6 +5 – +3 +9 Armorer 1 Adhesive x3Cloth x2Steel x8 001946E7 Buttressed Improves damage and energy resistance. Buttressed +8 +7 – +4 +12 Armorer 1 Adhesive...
I do not believe Elder Maxon's boast about the BoS being able to manufacture T60 unless the BoS experienced a real quantum jump in capabilties following their crushing defeat in the west, which I find implausible. It is, IMHO, much more likely they found a, as yet, unlooted Army depot...
三楼东边的会议室里,椅子下能捡到威森原子公司总部钥匙和一瓶量子可乐(Nuka-Cola Quantum)。出会议室往南,撬开一专家级门锁的铁门,就进入阿尔伦·葛拉斯(Arlen Glass)的房间,看来此人果然是公司的重量级人物,只有他和马克的房间在3楼,而且内部装修非常奢华。桌子上有阿尔伦的发展部门办公室终端机,桌子上有妻子雪莉写...
# 设置特点为 # rewardKarma # 增加指定数目的Karma点 getXPfornextlevel (升一级的经验剩余) GetQuestCompleted 完成当前的请求/追踪 tfc 自由视角(截屏的时候很有用) tm HUD 开/关 (截屏的时候很有用) unlock 开启所有上锁的门或柜 etc. removefromallfactions 退出所有的派系 setpccanusepowerarmor <0...
三楼东边的会议室里,椅子下能捡到威森原子公司总部钥匙和一瓶量子可乐(Nuka-Cola Quantum)。出会议室往南,撬开一专家级门锁的铁门,就进入阿尔伦·葛拉斯(Arlen Glass)的房间,看来此人果然是公司的重量级人物,只有他和马克的房间在3楼,而且内部装修非常奢华。桌子上有阿尔伦的发展部门办公室终端机,桌子上有妻子雪莉写...
With its unique flavor and distinct bluish glow, Nuka-Cola Quantum was poised to dominate the soft drink market. Unfortunately, it was released to the public on October 23, 2077, the same day that the bombs fell.(slide) Nuka-Cola Victory and Nuka-Cola Quartz are two examples of regional ...
Nuka Cherry grenade, a variant of theNuka-grenadeandNuka Quantum grenade(xx040CDD). 武器改装 Arecon scopemesh for theassault riflethat matches the style used on other weapons. Short and long fluted barrels for thecombat rifle, along with a small magazine and adrum magazine. ...
96號避難所(英文名:Vault 96)是一个避难所科技避难所,位于阿帕拉契亚的野人嶺地区。它位于創建會以南,R&G站东南,在103号公路的尽头。 96号避难所由一小队杰出的科学家组成,被宣传为未来保护动植物的方舟。然而,在密室被封死之后,人们发现工作人员还将被迫进行与基