玩家尝试这样做不会得到回应。 游戏中的角色NPC伊凡(Evan),是对红迪网(Reddit)用户NoohjXLVII的哥哥伊凡(Evan)的致敬,他在贝塞斯达软件公司(Bethesda Softworks)准备向其提供一个辐射商品包(Fallout merchandise)之前去世了,辐射商品包(Fallout merchandise)是在他们的父亲去世后作为支持两兄弟的一种方式发送的。为了弥...
Frost4 (PS4 Frostbite Engine) Toolkit & GNMF (BA2) Tools and his Silent Hill: Origins PS2 to PS4 PKG conversion with higher resolution and fixed graphics Jhonson94296749 shared via Twitter a Fallout 4 (CUSA03450) Update 1.34-5 with Cheat Terminal PS4 PKG to grab while leeching...
辐射76(英文名:Fallout 76)是一款由贝塞斯达游戏工作室开发,贝塞斯达软件公司发行的后世界末日多人在线角色扮演游戏。这是辐射系列的最新一部(第九部),于2018年11月14日在Windows、PlayStation 4和Xbox One上发布。 在游戏发布之前,游戏总监陶德·霍华德解释说,辐射7
Two weeks later, Bethesda issued a public apology on Reddit about the game's quality and the company's silence, mentioning, "We know you're frustrated and angry [...] We're sorry and understand this was not the right approach" and commented they would be working to improve the game.[...
VATS can be activated by pressingQ on PC, L1 on PS4, or LB on Xbox. Once activated, time will slow down for you toselect one of the numbered boxeson your enemy’s body parts. Thesenumbered boxes are the percentage of successful hitsso choose wisely. ...
After about 3 days of playtime, I finished it FO4. It was good, so much stuff to do, but my console was freezing like once an hour so I was done with it...
PS4《辐射4》DLC远港惊魂全奖杯攻略 zhangwentian18 2016-06-16 14:11 13评论 《辐射4》新一波(3个)DLC详细情报释出,下周开始配信 sai8808 2016-06-13 15:52 35评论 Reddit上对《辐射4》接下来的DLC的猜测 nomi-otto 2016-05-27 13:21 22评论
I'm running on a PS4, so I'm limited to what I can do with mods, I've been toying with some of them but I'm not seeing anything that temps me on them Prev 1 … 4 5 6 You must log in or register to reply here. Share: Facebook X (Twitter) Reddit Email Link Register...
根据redditoru/DistantValhalla,那个落在地上圆形的结构物和Van Buren设定里的空间站 B.O.M.B很像 ...