close All games Fallout 4 Mods Crafting - Other Power poles and wire attachment point. Endorsements 48 Unique DLs 533 Total DLs 760 Total views 5,256 Version 0.2 Download: Manual 10 items Last updated 09 June 20247:50PM Original upload ...
ToggleWireFrame or twf –Toggles wire frame mode.Hlp [espname] –Hotload Plugin. Used after and edit and save of the esp in CK or FO4Edit. This allows immediate testing of edits without the need to exit the game and reload. Prior to saving the ESP, you must first run FCF in game...
Outside the Wire Liberty Reprimed Blind Betrayal Tactical Thinking Spoils of War Ad Victoriam The Nuclear Option A New Dawn Minor quests The Lost Patrol From Within Duty or Dishonor A Loose End Quartermastery Cleansing the Commonwealth Learning Curve Feeding the Troops Leading by Example Obtain the...
Quickly power any workshop Object. No more wire placing for hours or line of sight issues!This mod simulates a Wireless power grid infrastructure in your settlements.All powered objects from Vanilla game, DLC or community created are all supported.Doesn't edit any workshop objects so they will...
1.1.4 Raider painspike armor 1.1.5 Raider commando armor 1.1.6 Raider iconoclast armor 1.1.7 Raider ordinance armor 1.1.8 Raider paingiver armor 1.1.9 Raider throwdown armor 1.1.10 Raider armor (Fallout Tactics) 1.1.11 Vandal armor 1.1.12 Raider armor (Fallout 4) 1.1.13 Raider power armo...
Go to the second object, and hit the wire connect key, and the wire will connect. It'll also display the player's copper count as though they were still building a wire, despite the patch removing the cost for wiring, so back out (◯ on PS4, B on XB1).Things...
The final large gang is theBlood Eagles. They are led by a triumvirate of leaders -the Blood,the Eye, andthe Claw, though they rarely live long[7]and can be replaced by another member of the gang, as long as they proved their loyalty and power. They are almost all addicted to a sp...
里维尔市(Revere City)、奈罕市(Nahant City)及波士顿东区(East Boston District)李布码头(Reeb Marina)2077年11月2号,尤金(Eugene)和马尔康(Malcolm)兄弟二人从核弹落下后的一片混乱之中逃到了李布码头(Reeb Marina)。接着,二人计划修好这里的船,然后逃离这里的战乱与辐射。虽然尤金(Eugene)认为马尔康(Malcolm)是...
The beacon is represented by a structure similar to a siren or radio antenna connected by a long wire to a partially sunken ship, as the ship's generator room is still operational and provides power for the beacon. The appearance of a raider on the island suggests the settlers fled or ...
-Added a message that trash bins can be scavenged. v1.12 -Added a new locker with a new report regarding the laserwire traps! v1.12 -Added a message for Psycho vending machines reminding players that the effect lasts the whole level. This is a standard mechanic in DOOM, but many players...