4号避难所(英文名:Vault 4)是一个避难所科技避难所,位于加州洛杉矶的霍桑医学实验室校园下方在辐射电视剧 。 在大戰之前,4号避难所出现在广告和介绍避难所的视频中,库柏·霍华德担任代言人。避难所的实验在这些广告中被公开了: 它将由在那里全职生活和工作的科学家统
Fallout 4: - T-60 Power Armour is prominent within the show. Characters seem a little surprised by it's appearence. It's possible that it was specific to the East Coast - The Prydwen appears in multiple episodes. Implying it's destruction in two of four endings in Fallout 4 never hap...
Meeting Curie in Fallout 4: Directed by Carline Acosta. With Carline Acosta. Vault Dweller Nora and Codsworth meet Curie.
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Fallout 4, New Vegas and 76 have more than doubled their players on Steam April 15, 2024Alice Bell 79 comments News The Fallout TV show's Season 1 is now available to stream Eight episodes of Pip-Boys, power armour and daddy issues ...
Fallout 4 Power Armor FeaturesThis mod has been a project I've been refining on my end for a long time, not daring to release it due to the market for power armor mods being quite saturated already. But I figured I've managed to implement some features (well, more like one) which ar...
Join the Beta to test our latest design updates.Find out more. Join Beta close All games Fallout 4 Mods Power Armour Power Armor Machine (Fallout TV series) Endorsements 167 Unique DLs 6,028 Total DLs 8,349 Total views 53,649 Version ...
Fallout 4: Contraptions Workshop R$26,95 Fallout 4: Nuka-World R$52,45 Descrição A Game of the Year Edition inclui Fallout 4, o aclamado jogo da Bethesda Game Studios vencedor de mais de 200 prêmios de “Melhor Jogo”, e os seis complementos oficiais: Automatron, Wasteland Workshop...
Fallout 4 Raider armorRaider power armor Fallout 76 Raider armorRaider power armor Fallout Tactics Raider armorVandal armor Fallout Shelter Raider armor Fallout: The Board Game Raider armor Raider armor is a name that refers to various types of armor worn by raiders. Some raiders, like the Khan...
Gun Fu is a perk in Fallout 4, Fallout 76 and Fallout: The Roleplaying Game. A perk with three ranks, increasing the damage dealt to secondary and tertiary targets in V.A.T.S. Subsequent ranks increase both the damage dealt and the number of affected ene