This was never part of the Brotherhood's goals, so many left, and became known as the Brotherhood Outcasts. Their power armor is painted red, and though they don't plan to attack the Brotherhood, they will attack them if they come across them in the field. During the events of Fallout...
26 June 2023, 4:06PM Just want to mention that Subway runner really should be on this list though idk if it is that popular to be on it. The mod will cause crashes (at least it has for me) and corrupted my saves. It kinda sucks because I had it working a while back but my ...
always sucks when modders delete their stuff for one reason or another. Brigand231 premium 358 kudos 27 June 2024, 2:44PM Yeah, though ultimately it's their stuff to do what they want with. I suspect some people don't realize their mods might disappear if they close their account to...
Yes, the same happened with Brotherhood of Steel T-51b armor. I put two sets of them in his inventory, he dropped one and weared the other one. --Schredas 15:31, January 4, 2011 (UTC) Experience Shouldn't it be noted on the page that, unlike Companions in Fallout 3, these compani...
0011F86A VMS25 110 0 Ethel's dead, that sucks! 0011F86A VMS25 120 0 Walter was happy to hear of Heck Gunderson's demise. He decided to take Ethel back to their home. 0011F86A VMS25 125 0 Walter was happy to hear of Heck Gunderson's demise. He decided to take Ethel back ...
↑Fallout: New Vegas10th Anniversary Charity Stream (reference starts at 4:13:42) Joshua Sawyer:"'What was the motivation for making Wild Wasteland an optional trait and am I myself a fan of this decision?' I was worried about Wild Wasteland being something that you could flip on and of...
欢迎来到4号hearts;避难所 WelcometoVault4. 你们要远离12层 StayoutofLevel12. 你们的能源是哪里来的 Wheredoyouguysgetyourpowerfrom? 看来你找到了我们的聚变核心 Iseeyouvefoundourfusioncore. 桑德拉我们回来了 Sandra,werehome. 桑德拉 Sandra? 谢谢你亲爱的 ...
In this world...after you just spent a good chunk of time getting to the end of a complex it sucks when it crashes...or like with the mechanist you can get a bug that never has the mission work right. yeah I sleep for 2 hours and get that hard save now after a few crashes and...
Wheene: Contributed a lot of awesome weapons such as the glock23c, gauss pistol, gauss rifle, and much more. He also did the power armor, however the textures and uv mapping of these models were done by current members. If I have not listed your name here and you have contributed some...
That sucks. Try reinstalling? Many apparently have (I haven't). According to those that have, you lose your vault and then the bug is likely to reoccur. At this point it seems better not to reinstall and hope a patch can remedy the situation. Apparently when this happens the save file...