This mod has been set to hidden Hidden at 26 Nov 2024, 4:03PM by TsarHeknt for the following reason: The mod has (possible) permission issues that the author is working to address.VORTEX The powerful open-source mod manager from Nexus Mods. Learn more ...
“我们重做了威力铠甲 HUD,”Scharf 继续说。“一旦穿上威力铠甲及其头盔,立即可以在头盔中找到 [HUD]。这种方式更加逼真并且更具沉浸性。如果您打开威力铠甲上的 Pip-Boy,立即可以看到。 居住地开拓 “辐射 4 VR (Fallout 4 VR)”的很大一部分情节围绕回收定居点、打造自定义的建筑和住所、让它们重现繁荣时的光...
a mod that replaces the some of the shitty piss yellow power armor hud with a custom red version. there's also an optional version that adds the silly scientist demon from helltaker to the HP and AP m
Wearing power armor with a targeting HUD or while under the effects of Berry Mentats may cause immediate confrontation on sight, as it does in many other cases. Unlocking the terminal that opens the door to the Commonwealth and walking through the door will "kill" Z2-47, and render his bo...
If successful, a mini animation of the vault boy will pop up and the target will become friendly according to your HUD; however, it will become hostile if you holster your gun. Similarly, if you do an action that requires holstering your gun (e.g. exiting a suit of power armor) the...
Now later on when you can craft some shadowed light combat armor and lighten almost feel bad for what you are about to shoot. I run another mod, think called New-Tek, lets you craft NVG's (or they can be thermal or give HUD like power armour helmet does). Makes night...
[ 7] Unofficial Fallout 4 Patch.esp [ 8] ArmorKeywords.esm [ 9] XDI.esm [ A] HUDFramework.esm [ B] AAF.esm [ C] Homemaker.esm [ D] SettlementKeywords.esm [ E] T6M_BurstFireFramework.esm [ F] TacticalReload.esm [10] TrueStormsFO4.esm [11] 65SeriesPistols.esp [12] PlayerCommen...
# 设置特点为 # rewardKarma # 增加指定数目的Karma点 getXPfornextlevel (升一级的经验剩余) GetQuestCompleted 完成当前的请求/追踪 tfc 自由视角(截屏的时候很有用) tm HUD 开/关 (截屏的时候很有用) unlock 开启所有上锁的门或柜 etc. removefromallfactions 退出所有的派系 setpccanusepowerarmor <0...
During the loading screen, if the player hits X on the Xbox One, square on the PS4, or Q on the PC, the character/creature/item on display will turn to the color of the player's HUD, and back to the original color(s) when hit again. Right stick (Xbox One) or clicking and ...
(factions) setpccanusepowerarmor <0 or 1> 能量铠甲 (开/关) settagskills #设置Tag技能点# addtagskills #增加指定数目#的技能点 getXPfornextlevel 升一级(或获得升一级的经验) GetQuestCompleted 完成当前的请求/追踪 tfc 自由视角(截屏的时候很有用) tm HUD 开/关 (截屏的时候很有用) tlv 树叶 ...