4.AnotherOne Sten Mk II Redux:斯登冲锋枪(重做) 这种廉价且简单的铁管冲锋枪才是符合废土生产工艺的武器。而且原modder做的动画也特别合适。 38 Machine Pistol(Mac-11):.38口径的Mac-10 避免使用Munitions - Ammo Expansion Project的版本。感觉废土中老冰棍凭着记忆和现有的工艺复刻Mac-10还是可以的。入选【多...
Handmade Energy Pistol:土制激光手枪 Any Mod Any Weapon (AMAW):任意制造的武器 一个很危险的mod,缝合怪,这不好。 2. 考古式经典武器 以老冰棍的记忆+波士顿三兄贵的实力,或许多少能搓出来的一些,或者捡到一些“复古”的战前武器。在这辐射蟑螂遍地走的年头,复古才是战斗力。 .45 Auto Pistol(Colt M1911)...
《辐射4》防暴手枪LindaPistol联邦武器扩展MOD,《辐射4》的背景设定在核战争后的美国波士顿,玩家将以主角的小狗为核心,探索这片广阔的末世世界!玩家作为避难所唯一的幸存者重返地表,并向着波士顿市区出发,展开冒险。喜欢的朋友快来下载试试看吧~ 截图 使用说明 1. 下载安装 GMM 管理器 2. 将Mod导入管理器中并...
The Charger Pistol - a Gauss based weapon platform - 打人很痛的高斯手槍 https://www.nexusmods.com/fallout4/mods/61875 Unique Uniques - Unique Weapons Redone - 很獨特的獨特裝備(很多bug,慎用) https://www.nexusmods.com/fallout4/mods/15139 More Uniques - Unique Weapons Expansion - 更多獨特裝備...
Tag this mod infoYou have to be logged in to download filesLog inRegister The Assault Pistol - RU Date uploaded 28 Jan 2025, 10:58PM File size 22KB Unique DLs 16 Total DLs 16 Version 1.0.3 Только ESP / ESP OnlyТребуетсяоригинал ...
About this mod Adds a Mauser pistol which uses the 10mm ammo with mods into Fallout 4's Raider and Gunner loot and into the Merchant lists. Share Requirements Permissions and credits Translations Russian Italian Changelogs Donations Adds a Mauser pistol which uses the 10mm ammo with ...
汤米军(The Tommies)三者捆绑在一起成为一个集团……1-1浮世男女(Hurly Burly)【任务代码:FOLON_FQRoundels101或072ACE03】玩家一进入哈克尼区(Hackney),就会遇到圆盘曲棍球帮(Roundel Hurley)和米勒帮(Millers Men)双方在枪战,任务提示“调查枪声”;靠近他们,发现是罗茜·克兰茨(Rosie Krantz)、盖伊·登斯特恩(...
The.44 pistolhas first-person animations for automatic fire despite not being able to be made automatic normally. This will not function properly in third person. An unnamed “Finned” barrel modification for thePlasma gun (Fallout 4)inThe Art of Fallout 4. There is a mod that adds the barr...
Mod Fallout: Holy frag grenade By psychomantis108 Mod Fallout Gauss Pistol (Magnum) By Crowbait Mod Fallout Frag Grenade (Pipe Bomb) By Crowbait Mod Fallout 3/NV T45d Power Armor (Francis) By Chuckymore Mod Nuka Cola for Pain Pills ...
As a predecessor to the 10mm, the model 6520 pistol is durable, efficient, and easy to maintain - perfect for a wasteland survivalist. Coffee and Donuts Workshop Pack The Slocum's Joe Coffee Station can be used to craft a wide variety of caffeinated drinks, including infusions that remove...