The pipe revolver is a weapon in Fallout 4. Variants include pipe revolver pistol, pipe revolver rifle, and pipe revolver sniper rifle. The pipe revolver weapon frame, being chambered for .45 rounds by default (with every 6 rounds loaded at a time via mo
Dak's Assault Rifle Replacer REDUX (remesh):突击步枪材质替换 另一种突击步枪的材质,绿色系。可惜我现在回归了经典色系。 Handmade Anti-Materiel Rifle (REDUX):反器材大铁管步枪 废土军阀有反动力装甲的需要,合理。 M2045 Magnum Revolver Rifle:马格南反动力装甲转轮枪 Classic Unarmed Pack:经典动力拳套 3. ...
Pipe bolt-action 34 6.8 2 95 63 29 1.17 .308 6 3.2 30 9.4 0014831A Pipe gun 13 71.5 55 83 57 30 0.43 .38 12 2.3 20 8.7 00024F55 Pipe revolver 24 14.4 6 83 61 35 0.68 .45 6 4.2 25 6.0 0014831B Heavy weaponsBase ID Fat Man 468 1 117 63 60 7.8 Mini nuke 1 30.7 ...
Pipe Bolt-Action, Pipe Gun, Pipe Revolver, Pipe Syringer (with exceptions), Makeshift Anti-Materiel Rifle (sights only, some exceptions)- Grips/Stocks--- Pipe Gun Pistol Grip--- Pipe Gun Comfort Pistol Grip--- Pipe Gun Sharpshooter's Pistol Grip...
They include, but are not limited to, the Alien Blaster, Double-Barrel Shotgun, Gauss Rifle, Hunting Rifle, Laser Musket and Pipe Revolver.WorkshopThe higher the Happiness of your workshop settlements, the more productive their settlers. Unassigned people at settlements will automatically scavenge ...
LL_HandmadeRevolver_Rifle [LVLI:7300451A]- NO NO NO - LLG_Rifle_SingleShot [LVLI:000DF23E] @ LVL 7 - OMG - This LL is used by NOTHING REMOVE- LL_PipeRevolver_Rifle_SemiAuto [LVLI:000CF79A] @ LVL 7LL_HandmadeRevolver_Random [LVLI:73004519]- LLI_Raider_Weapons_Boss [LVLI:0005...
武器名 狗抓 射程 1 伤害 1d4+MD 弹药 - HC修正 - AP S: 4 T: - B: - R:- 特殊 击倒,ENDC12 改造 - 价值:- 说明 狗抓是你最常用的武器。狗抓是所有狗的格斗技能。 100以上技能可以选择用额外2AP得到有破甲能力的攻击。把你选择的强化项目填入“改造”一栏。
The Long Barrel Mod is used for revolvers and revolvers alone. This mod extends the weapons barrel by 1/3rd, increasing the base damage output of their gun. DAM +6 Bayonette300 Denarius, 380 Caps, 460 NCR Dollars Simply put, this is a blade, about a foot long, that fits to the ...
Pipe Revolver:0014831B Pipe Wrench:000D83BF Plasma Grenade:0010A33D Plasma Gun:00100AE9 Plasma Mine:0010A342 Pool Cue:000FA3E8 Power Fist:0011B336 Preston’s Laser Musket:00062AA6 Pulse Grenade:000FF21F Pulse Mine:0010A344 Railway Rifle:000FE268 ...
[FE: D3] DakRevolverRifle.esp [FE: D4] DakSW59.esp [FE: D5] DakWin1907.esp [FE: D6] Frommer.esp [FE: D7] HandmadeLeverActionSG.esp [FE: D8] InfiltratorSMG.esp [FE: D9] DakBorz.esp [FE: DA] DakBowieKnife.esp [FE: DB] DakDeagle.esp [FE: DC]