4.Cranky:大水管子转轮霰弹枪版 大水管子系列作品。这个子弹是不是大了点? 5.Makeshift Shotgunand Improvised Grenade Launcher:大水管子榴弹发射器版 大水管子系列作品。 7.Pipe Carbine- Rat Runners Arsenal:土制战斗步枪 老冰棍凭着记忆复现一下自己服役时候的武器很合理吧,下载“Carbine - Rat Runners Arsenal -...
An automatic receiver is a weapon mod for the 10mm pistol, the assault rifle, the combat rifle, the combat shotgun and the pipe gun in Fallout 4. An automatic receiver converts the modified weapon into a fully automatic weapon, at the cost of damage and
Navy Submachinegun(Swedish K Carl Gustaf m45):瑞典M45海军冲锋枪 曾经我最期待的一款白沙瓦冲锋枪,简单可靠+绿色喷漆。只不过后来转向了斯登和经典黑红色系。配合”Non-Munitions (Vanilla .38 Round) Patch for DegenerateDak's Navy Submachinegun (Swedish K Carl Gustaf m45) -- ESLified“,回避“Munitions...
The pipe revolver is a weapon in Fallout 4. Variants include pipe revolver pistol, pipe revolver rifle, and pipe revolver sniper rifle. The pipe revolver weapon frame, being chambered for .45 rounds by default (with every 6 rounds loaded at a time via mo
A complete remesh and retexture of the standard Pipe Gun, the Bolt Action, the Revolver and the Syringer, along with all their vanilla attachments. 77.2MB 1 -- Inclusive Power Armor Gameplay Uploaded:01 Mar 2025 Last Update:01 Mar 2025 ...
Priority All priorities Sort by Date Order Desc Bug titleStatusRepliesVersionPriorityLast post Mods bug New issue 1 PipeShotgun - Version 1.1 Not set 02 May 2024, 5:34PM Not showing up in leveled lists New issue 0 PipeShotgun - Version 1.1 Not set 21 Apr 2017, 4:35AM Pages 1 VO...
玩家用辐射4次世代补丁(Fallout 4 next gen patch)给游戏升级后,进入游戏,屏幕就弹出触发的该升级包的七个任务,这七个任务分别是万圣节前夜(All Hallows' Eve)、当猪会飞天(When Pigs Fly)、三局两胜(Best of Three)、纵火狂(Pyromaniac)、昔日回响(Echoes of the Past)、坩埚(Crucible)、说魔鬼,魔鬼到(...
An unnamed “Finned” barrel modification for thePlasma gun (Fallout 4)inThe Art of Fallout 4. There is a mod that adds the barrel into the game but otherwise there is no other information than the picture. 弹药 文件:32Caliber.png
Gauntlet 0000432B胖子(小型核武器)FatMan 0000432C火焰喷射器Flamer 0000432D破片手雷Frag Grande 00004330破片地雷Frag Mine 0000433CGatling Laser 0000432E猎枪Hunting Rifle 00004333刀Knife 00004334激光手枪Laser Pistol 00004335激光步枪Laser Rifle 00004336Lead Pipe 00004337Mesmeron 00004339迷你机枪Minigun 0000433F...
The Pipe Grenade Launcher is a crude yet destructive weapon, commonly used by settlers to defend their homes from larger creatures and Super Mutant raids. The weapon allows for a wide variety of customization to fit any situation. Despite being designed for construction, the Nail Gun is an ef...