In Fallout 4, you can add perks with the player.addperk command. Select a perk below and then apply the generated command in-game to give yourself a perk. Change player.addperk to player.removeperk if you want to remove a perk from your character instead. Select a Perk Select a perk...
圣骑士丹斯,合成人代号M7-97,[1]兄弟会编号DN-407P ,钢铁兄弟会短剑侦查小队的指挥官,活动于联邦废土,2287年。辐射4中一个可选的队友。 在加入钢铁兄弟会之前,丹斯是一名孤儿,在首都废土长大。还是个孩子的他十分危险地靠搜刮华盛顿废墟为生,直到他攒够钱在铆钉城开了自己的废品交易站。在那段时间,他和一个叫做...
This means unless the quest is reset or skipped through console commands ( only) or failed by becoming a permanent enemy of the Brotherhood (taking the relay in Mass Fusion, murder of a Brotherhood member) or completing Defend the Castle, it will not be possible to speak to P.A.M. to ...
Opening up the command console to type in your cheats is just a single keystroke away. While in the game (not paused), hit the~key located below your escape key. This will remove your HUD and bring up the prompt to type in any of the below cheats. Recommended Videos All Fallout: New...
Even legendary enemy mutations or the resethealth console command will restore health only up to any limits from radiation poisoning. Health loss from radiation poisoning as well as the radiation poisoning itself is unaffected by difficulty settings. This has the side effect that radiation damage ...
The framework has a typo in the RL_RecruitEssential perk property and the perk is never given to the player. This only impacts the recruitment of essential NPCs such as Nat in Diamond City. I have uploaded a new version of the Framework that fixes these issues (combining the Unique and ...
Adding a non-existent perk with the perk command (e.g. perk asdf). Saving the game and trying to load the save file will result in Error #1009. Adding a grenade normally unobtainable by the player (used by enemies) with the weapon command (e.g. weapon drongr). This will cause ...
EncounterZoneReset: true FixScriptPageAllocation: true FixToggleScriptsCommand: true GameDataReady: true GreyMovies: true InteriorNavCut: true MagicEffectApplyEvent: true MovementPlanner: true PackageAllocateLocation: true PipboyLightInvFix: true SafeExit: true TESObjectREFRGetEncounter...
Perk: Regular Maintenance slows down the decreasing condition of weapons and armor. It basically lengthens the amount of time you have with a weapon or armor. This can also counteract the negative effects of the Build to Destroy trait. Upgrade: Vaquero or Full Maintenance. Vaquero gives an incr...
I've lost "ED-E" as well, but just miraculously he showed up dead in the Command Tower of Mcarran. I still have his perk and he keeps respawning to every location I fast travel. There is a glitch when dismissing companions, no dialog option is given to have them return to The Luc...