In Fallout 4, you can add perks with the player.addperk command. Select a perk below and then apply the generated command in-game to give yourself a perk. Change player.addperk to player.removeperk if you want to remove a perk from your character instead. Select a Perk Select a perk...
help <matchstring> <filter> <form type> –Searches for item IDs, perk names, and even other commands. Use PageUp and PageDown keys or keyboard equivalents to scroll through the console. matchstring: The search term(s). filter: Integer from 0 to 4. 0 –List all results. 1 –List...
Opening up the command console to type in your cheats is just a single keystroke away. While in the game (not paused), hit the~key located below your escape key. This will remove your HUD and bring up the prompt to type in any of the below cheats. Recommended Videos All Fallout: New...
当玩家阅读杂志时可获得一项额外的 perks 或解锁一项特定的技能。Perk杂志兼具技能和perk的功能,代替了辐射系列前作的 skill book。Perk可以多等级累计,玩家每收集一本杂志相应的perk就会提升一个等级。杂志在收集后可以售卖,丢弃或储存,而杂志带来的perk或技能是永久的
Vault 76 is a Vault-Tec Vault located in the Forest region of Appalachia. It is located north of Flatwoods, West Virginia, and was designated as the "Official Vault of the Tricentennial" by Vault-Tec, under the tagline "Vault-Tec Salutes America."[2][3]
Pressing the console key will pause the game, remove the HUD, and give a text prompt (|) in the lower left corner of the screen. Simply type in a command and press enter for the effect to take place. When typing commands, replace any text surrounded by <> brackets with the required ...
但玩家使用机器人工作台(Robot Workbench)制造机器人时,需要科学perk4级、机器人专家perk2级、护甲商perk4级、铁匠perk3级、枪械迷perk1级的支持。这里的工房(Workshop)如同波士顿机场(Boston Airport)的工房(Workshop),有很大的限制性,不能建水泵、不能种植农作物、不能招募居民(Settler),简直是三无基地,但可以...
The Logic Co-Processor Intelligence Implant is an implant perk in Fallout: New Vegas. The implant must be bought from Doctor Usanagi at the New Vegas medical clinic for 4,000 caps, or for 1,000 if one's Intelligence is below 4. Gaining this perk grants a
Fallout 4PC Fallout 4 Console Commands: The Complete List Updated: June 12, 2023 by Matt Karoglou Unlike the console versions of Fallout 4, the PC version allows players to enter cheats via the Command Console. These […] Fallout 4PC Fallout: New Vegas Cheats, Codes, Cheat Codes, Uniq...
This page is a list of loading screen hints and slides found in Fallout 4. They show snippets of the general information that is found in the stats section under the general tab on the player character's Pip-Boy 3000, along with information regarding the