玩家用辐射4次世代补丁(Fallout 4 next gen patch)给游戏升级后,进入游戏,屏幕就弹出触发的该升级包的七个任务,这七个任务分别是万圣节前夜(All Hallows' Eve)、当猪会飞天(When Pigs Fly)、三局两胜(Best of Three)、纵火狂(Pyromaniac)、昔日回响(Echoes of the Past)、坩埚(Crucible)、说魔鬼,魔鬼到(Speak...
Fallout 4 1.8 Update Fixes Fixed an issue in which some sound effects would not persist after reloading in an area Resolved an occasional crash when exiting to the Main Menu, and trying to start a New Game Fixed an issues with spaces in Mods search queries ...
In order to make the Fallout 4 (and Skyrim) script extender work, a patch is required to allocate memory from top down, so there are free memory addresses before the Fallout4 binary which the script extender needs to inject itself. Wine allocates the memory for the game binary at the ver...
Next-gen patchMain article: Fallout 4 next-gen updateIn 2022, as part of the Fallout 25th Anniversary, Bethesda announced that a free update would be released. It includes bug fixes, performance mode features for high frame rates, quality features for 4K resolution gameplay, ultra-widescreen ...
Following the Fallout 4 PS4 EBOOT.BIN ELF Patcher, Fallout 4 PC Mods on PS4 Guide, Frost4 (PS4 Frostbite Engine) Toolkit & GNMF (BA2) Tools and his Silent...
This patch fixes Painter2099's (a.k.a. Deadpool2099) Colt M1911 .45 handgun mod. Includes modification fixes, weapon stat fixes, and power armor animation fixes.
Last Update:01 Oct 2024 Author:The Unofficial Patch Project Team Uploader:Arthmoor A comprehensive bugfixing mod for Fallout 4. The goal of the Unofficial Fallout 4 Patch (aka UFO4P) is to eventually fix every bug with Fallout 4 not officially resolved by the developers to the limits of the...
Update (10/3): The 1.7.22 update for Fallout 4 fixes issues with Mods not appearing properly. The update is live on Steam. Original Post Fallout 4 and Nuka-World were both updated today on Steam. Fallout 4 1.7.19 Update Fixes General updates to Bethesda.
Patch 1.5 The following exploits no longer work as ofpatch 1.5. Bypass Approval Cooldown Timer The approval cooldown (e.g. the time the player needs to wait after crafting a mod forCodsworth/Preston or picking a lock forPiperuntil they "like" it again) can be reset by saving and reloa...
更新到RP2.3.3u18 - 第18个patch update。sfall升级到4.2.8.1 - 面板行动点数可以显示更多了,世界地图界面放大。 音乐替换为高清版本。 大地图城镇图片替换为高清版本。 超级变种人和动力装甲人物烧毁动画改进。 最明显的BUG修正: 1)修复通关闪退回主界面的BUG。 2)EPA地图不再卡顿 添加fallout1 et tu —— ...