Park Street station is a location in the Boston Common neighborhood of Boston in the Commonwealth in Fallout 4. Park Street station served as a public entry point to the underground Boston subway system until some point before the Great War, when its own
Park Street station (Vault 114) 公园街站(114号避难所) #20 肉搏(徒手) 徒手攻击时获得+25%暴击伤害 Atom Cats garage 原子猫修理厂 《惊世奇谭》 Astoundingly Awesome Tales #01 每分钟恢复一点生命值 Boston mayoral shelter 波士顿市长避难所 #02 狙击武器造成伤害+5% Coast Guard Pier 海防队码头 #03 行...
Park Street station is a location in downtown Boston in 2287 and part of the Green Line metro system. It is right next to Swan's Pond. It can be used to get into Vault 114. 战前公园街站被避难所科技买了下来,利用已挖掘好的地铁通道建造114号避难所。其中准备
找到9张爱德华·温特(Edward Winter)的全息卡带后,交给尼克(Nick);尼克(Nick)从全息卡带破解爱德华·温特(Edward Winter)的地堡密码,并与玩家一同前往安德鲁车站(Andrew Station)去解决艾迪(Edward)。 寻找艾迪·温特的藏身地堡(Eddie Winter's Hideout),可以从两个路径进入,一个是从安德鲁车站(Andrew Station)的大门...
Before the war, Vault-Tec began construction of Vault 114 inside Boston's Park Street subway station. The project was never completed, but that matters little to the gangsters who have taken up residence there. In the years before the war, Fort Hagen was an important military command facility...
"Second Chance" 瑞普康總部是位於內華達州的專業火箭製造商瑞普康航天的公司總部 REPCONN Headquarters is the home office of REPCONN Aerospace. It lies in the prewar town of "Henderson". 在這裡撬鎖和黑掉計算機會大有用處。這樣做的目的就是黑掉保安系統,然後保安
波士顿剧院区(Theater District)波士顿剧院区(Theater District),在战前,这个地区有许多剧院,其中包括沃伦剧院(Warren Theater)和战区(Combat Zone)在内的剧院。该社区由位于麻州湾医疗中心(Mass Bay Medical Center)旁边的地铁橙色线(the Orange Line)的医疗中心地铁站(Medical Center metro)提供服务。核弹落下后,这个...
(Pindar Station)里的《核冬天(Ol' Nuclear Winter)》0711DD98、刘易舍姆区((Lewisham)的新十字门零售商场(New Cross Gate Retail Park)里的《越过海洋(Beyond the Sea)》0711DD99、土豆工厂(Tater Factory)里的《辐射逃生(Radiation Getaway)》0711DD9A、任务获取《伦敦桥坍塌了(London Bridge Has Fallen Down...
Nuka-World - conquer an old amusement park, discover the secret recipe, rule over the raiders with an iron fist and show the Commonwealth what true banditry looks like Grab a 10% discount on your next purchase! Subscribe to our newsletter and confirm your subscription. ...
Bourbon and bourbon bottles are junk items in Fallout 4. The bourbon bottle is an empty brown glass bottle that used to contain Old Appalachia brand bourbon, aged 9 years. The bourbon junk item looks exactly like the consumable bourbon but cannot be cons