战前,地下室军械库(Basement Armory)是雇佣兵奥布里·科普兰(Aubrey Copland)的藏身处,科普兰(Copland)遵照核子可乐公司(Nuka-Cola Corporation)高管弗农·康罗伊(Vernon Conroy)的指示,对竞争对手活力汽水公司(Vim! Pop Incorporated)进行一系列破坏,旨在使其屈服同意被核子可乐公司(Nuka-Cola Corporation)收购。 核战来...
https://www.nexusmods.com/fallout4/mods/7198 Right-Handed Hunting Rifle -右撇子步槍 https://www.nexusmods.com/fallout4/mods/19398 See Through Scopes - 更好的瞄準具 https://www.nexusmods.com/fallout4/mods/9476 Extended weapon mods - 武器改造擴展 https://www.nexusmods.com/fallout4/mods/...
Fallout 4 Script Extender (F4SE) DLC: Nuka-World Items - Food Broken in Next-Gen Update Tag this mod Description Files1 Images18 Videos0 Posts62 Bugs0 Logs Stats Mod statistics Created with Highstock 6.2.0TotalsTotal EndorsementsNuka Cola SwapNuka Cola SwapNuka Cola SwapNuka Cola SwapMod Do...
Fallout 4: T-51 Power Armor – Nuka Cola Armor pack (exterior armor pieces) details: T-51 Armor pieces are compatible with all previous threezero Fallout 4 Power Armor collectibles figures with endoskeleton; Special Nuka Cola color variation; ...
PS5PS4 KarteFallout 4: Contraptions Workshop –40 % €2,99Angebotspreis: €2,99 Ursprünglicher Preis: €4,99€4,99 PS4 Fallout Shelter Kostenlos Add-onFallout Shelter: Sechserpack Nuka-Cola Quantum €0,99 ObjektFallout Shelter: 15-Lunchboxen-Paket €9,99 ObjektFallout Shelter: Paket mi...
有生之年 梦想照现实了🥤 Fallout NUKA cola 出现了梦幻联动了属于是上一个时代不是过去了是特么成为现实了!目前本人还没有开始发光我可能需要一支消辐宁和一袋stimpak #辐射4 #核子可乐 #fallout4 - LeoZ_FPV于20230806发布在抖音,已经收获了898个喜欢,来抖音,
The weapon workshop is a room that can be built with Fallout Shelter update 1.4. The weapon workshop is a crafting room that unlocks at a vault population of 22 dwellers. Like the outfit workshop, the weapon workshop is placed as one room that takes up t
- Nuka Cola Victory (first appeared in New Vegas as a West Coast Exclusive) - Robert House (Self-explanatory) - REPCONN and Julia Masters at the Corporate Meeting - BIG MT and Frederick Sinclair at the Corporate Meeting - A sly dig by Robert House that Sinclair "Could Lose Money By ...
☢ ☢ Fallout 4 #辐射4# T-51 NUKACOLA POWER ARMOR FIGURE #2017e3# 辐射4超话 û收藏 11 评论 ñ15 还没有人评论,赶快抢个沙发相关推荐 e刷新 +关注 看电影 01月14日 21:31 #柏林电影节# 贾樟柯新作[一直游到海水变蓝]入围第70届#柏林电影节#特别...
Yep checked triple its Workshop Rearranged that brings in more Nuka Cola Mixersbut Tea Station is missing and the Chem Station right beside it too FocusedBottler supporter 3 kudos 23 August 2024, 4:08PM Hey there.New patch version is out to help remedy the issues. Check if the two ...