Fallout 4: T-51 Power Armor – Nuka Cola Armor pack (exterior armor pieces) details: T-51 Armor pieces are compatible with all previous threezero Fallout 4 Power Armor collectibles figures with endoskeleton; Special Nuka Cola color variation; ...
锤子(hammer)居住的黄色房子里还有量子可乐(Nuka-ColaQuantum),旁边有地堡入口的小屋内的柜子上有齿锯(Ripper);地堡里有防辐射服;在北部入口右侧的红色卡车车厢内有超级变种人头盔(Supermutantcagehelmet)。在南部入口望台有超级变种人铁链(Supermutantchains) 兰斯埃姆斯(LanceAmes)居住的蓝色房子在社区的北边角落,房间...
Threezero Fallout 4《辐射4》T-51 核子可乐机甲 NUKACOLA POWER ARMOR FIGURE 在E3游戏展Bethesda展位曝光: 转载请注明源自拆盒网(拆盒网-潮流玩具新媒体)并附带原文链接:Fallout 4《辐射4》T-51 核子可乐机甲 NUKACOLA POWER ARMOR FIGURE 网站:www.chaihezi.com| 微博:@拆盒网...
房间北边有保险箱(高级锁)、大工具箱,核子可乐自动售卖机(Nuka-Cola machine)里有石英可乐(Nuka-Cola Quartz);控制主机上有葡萄可乐(Nuka-Grape)、胜利可乐(Nuka-Cola Victory)和核子电玩游乐场票券(Nuka-Cade ticket),还有一台核子世界电厂:监管终端机(Nuka-World power: oversight terminal): 核子世界电厂:监管...
放射性沉降物: T45d动力装甲头盔(Fallout: T45d Power Armor Helmet) 爱给3d模型库 放射性沉降物: 高级动力装甲头盔(Fallout: Advanced Power Armor Helmet) 爱给3d模型库 T-51 头盔可穿戴无面罩(t-51 helmet wearable no visor) 努卡可乐罐3三维模型(Nuka Cola Can 3D model) ...
战前,这里是美国海岸警卫队查尔斯河站,海岸警卫队的辖区也发生了骇人听闻的核子可乐(Nuka-Cola)瓶盖杀人案,这次被谋杀的居然是军方的莱特少尉,莱特被谋杀后被投尸河里;海岸警卫队主要的职责是缉查水路走私案件,所以证物终端机里记录了很多走私案件。当然,终端机里也有关于温特末日案的信息。 黑帮爱尔兰犯罪家族(Irish...
The Nuka-Cola Corporation[4][5][6] was a pre-War beverage corporation founded and led by its CEO John-Caleb Bradberton, best known for its flagship product, Nuka-Cola. By the time of the Great War it was the single largest beverage corporation in the Uni
Nuka Cola Bottling Plant & Where to Find Nuka Power Armor Power Play: Final Quest Open Season: Alternate Good Ending Raider Outposts & Wasteland Warlord Endings Guide: Benefits and Choices Scav Magazine Locations & Maps Porter Gage's Perk, Likes, and Dislikes ...
Go to this link: https://www.nexusmods.com/fallout4/articles/1112 and then scroll down to this section: Fusion City Rising, Outcasts & Remnants, Depravity, and Project Valkyrie: Which order should I play them? maflynn said: Generally speaking, I don't use power armor at all. Me nei...