close All games Fallout 4 Mods Pip-Boy Paint job ESP for Fallout TV Show Pip-Boy Endorsements 12 Unique DLs 256 Total DLs 363 Total views 5,803 Version 1.1 Download: Manual 1 items Last updated 27 April 20245:42PM Original upload
里面是战前雇佣兵奥布里·科普兰(Aubrey Copland)的藏身处,里面有科普兰的终端机(Copland's terminal),记录着他遵照核子可乐公司(Nuka-Cola Corporation)高管弗农·康罗伊(Vernon Conroy)的指示,对活力汽水公司(Vim! Pop Incorporated)进行破坏的日志。
Nuka-Cola paint job Increases Agility by 3 with all pieces equipped. Requires: None Only accessible to the Nuka T-51 power armor The paint job can not be removed or applied. Nuka-Cola Quantum paint job Increases Action Point refresh speed with all pieces equipped. Requires: None Only acc...
The Nuka-Cola Corporation[4][5][6] was a pre-War beverage corporation founded and led by its CEO John-Caleb Bradberton, best known for its flagship product, Nuka-Cola. By the time of the Great War it was the single largest beverage corporation in the Uni
Within a year, Nuka-Cola could be purchased across the entire United States.(slide) With its unique flavor and distinct bluish glow, Nuka-Cola Quantum was poised to dominate the soft drink market. Unfortunately, it was released to the public on October 23, 2077, the same day that the ...
Swamp Camo With its mottled yellow, brown and green, the swamp camo Pip-Boy paint job is perfect for those waterlogged slogs through Bloodbug-infested terrain Nuka-Cola You'll be the talk of the bottling plant break room with this stylish Nuka-Cola themed Pip-Boy skin. 50 (each) Kial...
10 - Robot Disposal Ground– You can find a T-45 power armor a little to the south of this location. The disposal ground itself offers a chance to use a weapons workbench and you'll also find a fusion core here. In building you'll find Hot Rodder magazine (new paint job to your po...
guest Free plan |Upgrade account_circleMy profile My collections Tracking centre historyDownload history settingsAccount settings tuneSite preferences Not found The mod you were looking for couldn't be found VORTEX The powerful open-source mod manager from Nexus Mods. ...
Nuka Cola plant, and struck with their trademark ruthlessness. The four-man Outcast salvage team had only time to set up a firing line of sorts when the twelve man biker force descended upon them, firing from their grenade launchers and laser pistols as their ancient machines roared down ...
Fallout 76 is a title that evokes extreme emotions. His loyal fans will defend him to the last drop of Nuka-Cola, and the proverbial haters will ridicule every initiative taken by the creators. However, is it worth investing in this game after so many years from its premiere? You have to...