Ice cold Nuka-Cide 1800 360 Max AP +20, max HP +50, Radiation Resistance +35, Carry Weight +35 0 1 20 No Yes xx{{#pad:0502b4|6|0|left}} Ice cold Nuka-Cola 45 20 5 1 20 No Yes 00178B23 Ice cold Nuka-Cola Dark 0 0 STR +1, END +1, PER -1 0 1 50 No Yes xx...
一、 核子世界转运站(Nuka-World transit center)装了核子世界(Nuka-World)DLC后,就会自动接取到“请上车”的任务,在哔哔小子(Pip Boy)中打开电台,选择核子可乐家族电台(Nuka-Cola Family radio)。核子可乐家族电台(Nuka-Cola Family radio)广播内容包括核子世界主题曲(Nuka-World theme song)的浓缩摘录,接着是核...
You had to find the recipes, then you had to find the ingredients (god forbid you're trying to make Nuka-Cide), and then you had to craft them in the first place. Great, right? Except you had to make room in your inventory to carry enough of them to be any strategic use or a ...
v1.0.7 - Triggermen overhaul, partial Nuka World NPC balancing, DLC weapon upgrades/changes, Cooking categories, Legendary names, etc. v1.0.6 - Incinerator weapon, Townhouse prefab, a new type of ballistic weave, ammo/weapon changes, misc fixes v1.0.5 - Bug fixes v1.0.4 - New settlement...
Buffout is a consumable item in Fallout 4. The addiction effects are -1 Strength and -1 Endurance once Buffout has worn off. It appears as a small brown jar with a white lid, presumably holding pills of Buffout inside of it. Bufftats Buffjet Psychobuff F