The ESP you can use to fix your companion bugged with Gauss rifle charging sound Share Permissions and credits I play Fallout 4 for years and encountered this bug for the first time. Searching across the Internet didn't help. More than that it seems like the only way to make the sound...
sWelcomeScreen3=loading_screen_BGS sWelcomeScreen4=loading_screen_legal ; 四个开始时的图片顺序 sMainMenuBackground=main_background ; 主菜单背景图 sTitleMusic=MainTitle sInitialSound=fx\ui\loadscreen\initial\ui_loadscreen_initial.wav ; 开始时那一声音效 iMaxScreens=4 iMaxScreens_MainMenu=28 fLoading...
Lorraine has a very weird (and minor) bug. If I talk to her for the first time, and use directly the TMA button, close it, then select dialogue option 2/1/4. Then, (and only then), the TMA button will become unresponsive during any further dialogue with her. (Dropbox: Slot03...
4 9 Radiumrifle·10/7/2021in Fallout 76 No matter how you feel about Fallout 76, one thing is so unbelievably and universally enjoyable: The soundtrack!!! Aint Misbehavin', Tennessee Ernie Ford songs, Bubbles In My Beer, I Didnt Know The Gun Was Loaded, Answer To Drivin' Nails In ...
No scat though, turns out protectrons don't do that. 218 00568DF4 Sometimes protectrons get stuck around this place. Not sure why. Old algorithms, probably. Wouldn't be surprised if they were there again. 219 00568DF6 Heard this place was full of mutations of all kinds. I dunno, ...
07 June 20185:44AM Created by kcat Uploaded by IDrinkLava Virus scan Safe to use Lore-Friendly English Music Sound FX Voice Acting Tag this mod About this mod OUTDATED MIRROR! USE INSTEAD! Share ...
Formatted tips on the Loading menu according to fonts.xml subtitles including (finally after 4 years!) outlining. The plugin is no longer optional in the installer. Too many features that depend on it. VUI+ will still work without the plugin, and users who don’t want it can always disabl...
Notes: -this is limited to mod for fallout4 only ATM. The Skyrim Fuz support will be added later. -the table is limited for the current edited mod only. Meaning, for the moment, there are no cross mod fuz maps (this will come later) -the fuz map may not work well on its current...
1 Normal holdout weapon: May be concealed regardless of Sneak skill. 2 Improved holdout weapon: May be concealed if Sneak ≥ 50. 3 May only be acquired if one has chosen the Wild Wasteland trait. 4 Does bonus damage to robots and power armored foes.Placed...
The format of the current table has 4 options , love (yes yes), likes (yes), no change (nothing), dislike (no), hates (no no), unknown ( ? ) an action that actively changes the affinity by 1.00 canot be marked as no change, also canot be marked as unknown, cannot be marked ...