总之,这些改变很容易使自由至尊成为辐射4中最强大的 NPC,因为它只需一到两次攻击就能杀死几乎任何级别的任何敌人。 由于自由至尊完全不受自身武器的影响,而且清楚地意识到这一事实,因此,如果它发现自己面临着四面八方的敌人,它会毫不犹豫地近距离使用核武器。在这种情况下,至尊完全无视任何对盟友造成的附带伤害,因此...
总之,这些改变很容易使自由至尊成为辐射4中最强大的 NPC,因为它只需一到两次攻击就能杀死几乎任何级别的任何敌人。 由于自由至尊完全不受自身武器的影响,而且清楚地意识到这一事实,因此,如果它发现自己面临着四面八方的敌人,它会毫不犹豫地近距离使用核武器。在这种情况下,至尊完全无视任何对盟友造成的附带伤害,因此...
设置玩家等级 Player.setlevel # 传送至NPC身边 Player.moveto xxxxxx 居里102249 派普2F1F 凯特79305 丹斯5DE4D 狗肉1D162 皮革胸甲代码 0022DA5A 皮革右臂甲代码 0007B9C3 皮革左臂甲代码 0007B9C7 皮革右腿甲代码 0007B9C5 皮革左腿甲代码 0007B9C4 皮革胸甲高负重改造 00245B5D 皮革四肢高负重改造 00245B...
The console is a debugging tool in the computer versions of Fallout 4. It is useful for altering content while in-game, but may be used to cheat as well. It cannot be accessed in the console versions of the game or in Survival mode. In order to access th
《辐射3 FALLOUT3》NPC复活大法的使用小心得 作者:a1p5p4l4e 介于个人喜欢(!?!)看钢铁兄弟会新兵VS超级变种人的缘故, 我个人常常依靠控大哥的帮忙, 所以有一些小心得, 那就是在常常用prid XXXXXXXX, 接moveto player的指令的话, 只要召唤出的人已经死了,...
player.moveto This command will teleport your character to the NPC, object or item with the specified ID. player.moveto < Item/NPC/Object ID > Copy Command Copy Full help This command can be used to search for functions, item codes, IDs for NPCs/objects, settings and much more. See ...
Honestly made it 1000x easier than in Skyrim and it actually saves npc positions consistently (with some issues a few times).Didn't have to do it all in one sitting like I do in Skyrim.In Skyrim, I have to manually move npcs by typing commands, and they'd move out of place if I ...
22 January 20221:14AM Created by RLBaxter Uploaded by rlbaxter Virus scan Safe to use Tags for this mod Tag this mod Description Files2 Images1 Videos0 Articles4 Posts116 Bugs1 Logs Stats 116 comments Pages 1 2 3 VORTEX The powerful open-source mod manager from Nexus Mods. ...
Download ENB here: ENB for Fallout 4 Important: Do NOT extract the file; just move it to the Downloads folder. Updating Fallout Anomaly The Fallout Anomaly team will notify you about upcoming updates via Discord and Nexus. If a new save is required for the update, we will communicate this...
An "Actor" inFallout 4is an NPC, animal, or enemy. And "Fade" is Bethesda's word for "view distance". In other words, the distance at which NPCs, animals and enemies can be seen. With a bazillion notches on a setting's slider you've got plenty of control over the option, but ...