sWelcomeScreen3=loading_screen_BGS sWelcomeScreen4=loading_screen_legal ; 四个开始时的图片顺序 sMainMenuBackground=main_background ; 主菜单背景图 sTitleMusic=MainTitle sInitialSound=fx\ui\loadscreen\initial\ui_loadscreen_initial.wav ; 开始时那一声音效 iMaxScreens=4 iMaxScreens_MainMenu=28 fLoading...
You can even mount the various fish species you catch while fishing, giving your settlements a truly rustic decorum. The taxidermy system will likely be one of the last systems to be completed for Life Finds a Way, since designing and setting up the trophy meshes can be complicated, and ...
Potential weapon mod - Inside the gun shop on the second floor, on a desk. Potential recipe - On the second floor of the pharmacy building, on a kitchen counter to the right of a box. Accessed by the stairs at the rear of the building.Appearances...
Mount & Blade: Warband mod | TBD summary articles files videos images The mod you are trying to view has ceased development and consequently been archived. If you are a member of this mod, can demonstrate that it is being actively developed and will be able to keep this profile up to ...
↑ Fallout 4 Point Lookout Mod with Joel Burgess and Nate Purkeypile (46:34)Nathan Purkeypile: "My favorite is when they would spawn forever, like hundreds of them."Zanthir: "We actually ran into that exact issue, is when after you loaded an area that had one, that spawned, when you...
While the Prydwen does not have any actual weapons systems, it always carries enough troops, Vertibirds and supplies to mount a major offensive. The Brotherhood of Steel is dedicated to the advancement of humanity, and views mutation as a scourge. Super Mutants, Ghouls and any other "abominati...
You must build a mod that allows you to use regular fusion ammo. The safe with the Alien Blaster also contains a Rusted Key. Travel to the Mount Blair Trainyard and unlock the case on the rooftop (Lockpick 2 required) to find the TNT Dome Key 2. Use the TNT Dome Key at the Black ...
Mount & Blade mod | TBD summary articles files videos images Recruiting Game Testers---This mod is currently in development... All fields of development open for application. In 2015 a war raged through the world. Every nation found themselves in a position where they had only two options, ...
11 July 2012, 4:00AM its from tumbajamba, you know. The guy who all the time showes awesome WIP Screenshots and than just drops them? http://newvegas.nexusmods.com/mods/40808/?tab=2&navtag=/ajax/modimages/?user=0|:|id=40808Here you go.Nice hmmwv, but the texture needs a redo...