1. Ashot - A Simple Shotgun Pistol:单管霰弹枪 单管崩,最应该出现在废土上的破烂武器。 2. The Stealth Pack . A Unique Weapons Concept:铁铁又管管的武器包 有可选的避免Munitions - Ammo Expansion Project版本的ESP。该说不说这个武器包真是有够废土的。入选【义勇青年队】的土制武器。 4. Another...
有可选的避免Munitions - Ammo Expansion Project版本的ESP。该说不说这个武器包真是有够废土的。 The Assault Pack . A Unique Weapons Concept:三种土里土气武器 这一看就是从什么废料里搓出来的垃圾东西。 Handmade Energy Pistol:土制激光手枪 Any Mod Any Weapon (AMAW):任意制造的武器 一个很危险的mod,缝...
武器框架 Weapons Framework v0.13.1 [个人汉化]原网址:https://www.nexusmods.com/fallout4/mods/...
Unique Uniques - Unique Weapons Redone - 很獨特的獨特裝備(很多bug,慎用) https://www.nexusmods.com/fallout4/mods/15139 More Uniques - Unique Weapons Expansion - 更多獨特裝備 https://www.nexusmods.com/fallout4/mods/18357 West Tek Tactical Optics - Night Vision Thermal Vision Goggles and More ...
Changes the look of all the weapons in the game. Share Requirements Permissions and credits Welcome to my modX.O.R.PorXtra Ordinary Retexture ProjectThis is the start of my personal retexture project for Fallout 4.I started playing Fallout 4 since it was released. Some time later...
在3DM Mod站下载辐射4最新的Mass Effect COMPLETE Weapons set for Fallout 4 质量效应全系列武器包 Mod,由gunetwork制作。健康游戏在我们的平台上分享了这个免费且高质量的游戏模组,让玩家们可以享受到更加丰富的游戏体验。快来3DM Mod站下载并尝试吧!
Adds support for Automatron, Far Harbor, and Nuka-World to Lowered Weapons 129KB 10.0k -- Tactical Animations Animation Uploaded:29 Feb 2016 Last Update:07 Mar 2016 Author:L0rdOfWar creator -- Amoveve for uploading it as a standalone mod ...
Unlike previous installments, weapons in Fallout 4 fall under three classifications, including normal, legendary, and unique. Normal weapons have no special bonuses on them whatsoever. Legendary weapons come with random bonuses applied to them and are on
The weapons workbench is a crafting station in Fallout 4. Weapons workbenches can be found all over the Commonwealth, including one outside a house nearby the workshop in Sanctuary Hills, along with an armor workbench and a power armor station. The Sole
The recipe for this weapon mod varies depending on the weapon for which it is made: Materials:Requirements:Produces: Adhesive(1) Screw(0-3) Steel(0-2) Weapons workbench Spikes (1) WeaponAdhesiveScrewSteel Baseball bat111 Board102 Boxing glove122 ...