Overhaul of Fallout 4 weapon sounds, using assets from the JSRS sound mod for ARMA 3.Changes explosion, impact and richochet sounds and provides a ton of all new weapon sounds (both player
《辐射4》钻石城电台替换MOD,更换钻石城收音机。要启用模组:打开Fallout4.ini(位于存档,即saves文件夹所在的同一文件夹中),将 sResourceDataDirsFinal=STRINGS\ 这一行改成sResourceDataDirsFinal=STRINGS, textures, meshes, scripts, sound, music, misc, shadersfx, interface\《辐射4》的背景设定在核战争后的...
1. **辐射4 世界重建(FO4 Workshop)**:这是辐射4最大的MOD集合,包括了地图、建筑、NPC和故事线的丰富内容,让游戏世界变得更加多样化和丰富。2. **辐射4角色重塑(Character Rebalance)**:此MOD重新平衡了游戏中的角色技能和属性,让角色发展更加合理和有趣。3. **辐射4武器改进(FO4 Weapon ...
316 Total views 4,511 Version 1.0 Download: Manual 1 items Last updated 25 January 202412:36AM Original upload 24 January 20245:56PM Created by NEXUSRE2 Uploaded by nexusre2 Virus scan Safe to use Tags for this mod Tag this mod
Hello everyone, due to the current Fallout hype I have installed Fallout 4 again. I'm using the latest driver, but I'm still getting overlapping dialogues,
The sound of power armor has been changed. As opposed to Fallout 3, the servo-motors are no longer audible and there is no hydraulic fluid sound as the player character walks. In addition, NPC voices no longer have a 'speaker' effect and just sound muffled. Any weapon that is holstered...
An unnamed “Finned” barrel modification for thePlasma gun (Fallout 4)inThe Art of Fallout 4. There is a mod that adds the barrel into the game but otherwise there is no other information than the picture. 弹药 文件:32Caliber.png
version 1.1.4 -Fallout76: Improved Component generator. You can now exclude item by Keyword (default setup exclude bulk, armorMod and weaponmod items). You can customize this by entering or removing formID keyword. You can also add the weight of the item (use the Output string combolist, ...
An unnamed “Finned” barrel modification for the Plasma gun (Fallout 4) in The Art of Fallout 4. There is a mod that adds the barrel into the game but otherwise there is no other information than the picture.Ammunition.32 from Fallout 3 is mentioned in the projectile files. Although .32...