Fallout 4 Images Aesthetics Nuka Cola GirlNuka Cola GirlEndorsements 127 Total views 2.4k Beta 0.14 Wardrobe 10 Added on 19 April 2024 12:02AM Uploaded by vtaw More images View more from uploader About this image Share 5 comments Pages 1 Sboob supporter 16 kudos 15 May 2024, ...
RR Nuka-Girl Spacesuit Black Retexture Date uploaded 22 Dec 2024, 2:07PM File size 4.3MB Unique DLs 21 Total DLs 26 Version 2.0.0 RR NukaGirl Spacesuit Black Retexture - Fixed the shine Mod manager download Manual download Preview file contents ...
1 在游戏里按"~"开启控制台,输入完后再按"~"关闭即可modpca 属性名称 #属性名称对应的属性,比如luck,增加#点 (注意的是要分大小写)player.setAV 技能或属性名称 #将名称为"技能或属性名称"的技能或者属性的值设为# 比如 "player.setAV Luck 10" 注意空格哦, "."是句号player.additem 0000000F #增加#数...
Nuka-Galaxy was an indoor rollercoaster which treated riders to an interactive, galaxy-spanning mission to help Nuka-Girl fight off an invasion of aliens threatening to annihilate the earth.GeneralNuka-World opened its gates for the first time on May 1, 2050. It originally consisted of only two...
The Nuka-Girl rocketsuit and Nuka-Girl helmet are an outfit set in Fallout 76. This suit is very similar to the variant found at Nuka-World in Fallout 4, with a few exceptions: the leather cap is red and the boots are darker. Prior to patch, the
I’ve left a few of the areas in the house empty. Your landscape foliage might look different as I have a tree mod installed in my game. Version 1 *Deleted Version 2 *Deleted Version 3 * Deleted –“Junk Repaired” Garage wall. Added nukagirl cutout to outter back wall above doorway ...
20. Fallout 4 - Nuka World The final story expansion for Fallout 4, Nuka World is set during the events of the main campaign and hands the Sole Survivor the keys to an all-new area containing a massive, Nuka-Cola-themed amusement park. After arriving and immediately being pitted against...
To meet Nukapedia's quality standards, this article or section may require cleanup. Please help by improving the article.The 250 year old[1][2] Desmond Lockheart was a player in international intelligence at the highest levels before the bombs dropped. He became a ghoul before the war to at...
Fo4FH throwing saw.png Throwing saw Textures and sounds for thecompound bowand corresponding arrows. A number of meshes for throwing weapons, including a blade, harpoon, hatchet, saw, and bottle. Lucky Rabbit's Foot: A cut weapon in theNuka-Worldadd-on, it takes the space of a grenade,...
I visited Cambridge and met a little girl wandering the street (coming from Red Rocket), but when I approached her she just texted me in Russian, no recorded dialog. So I reloaded the Depravity mod again, (this is where the Deprwvity quest line starts), and this time I got a zip fi...