The nuke mine is a weapon in Fallout 4. It is a nuclear variant of a landmine. The nuke mine operates in all respects as other mines do although its explosion is more akin to that of a mini nuke. It deals both normal damage and radiation exposure damage.
Rory就在旁边的圆柱体里, 钥匙和打开牢房门的钥匙是同一把,如果奴贩们看见了Rory就会开枪,但是不会打你,于是除了血洗奴贩营地之外还有一个办法可以完美救人: 先让他等着, 把外面所有人子弹都偷了,天黑时候外面只有1个无关紧要的有名NPC,其他人都是龙套, 用偷窃的方式给Rory一把好枪, 最好是Minigun,因为...
Gamma gun 1 52 52 Gatling laser 4 41.7 10.43 Gauss rifle 3 14.4 4.8 Hunting rifle 2 5.7 2.85 Institute pistol 1 12.8 12.8 Laser musket 2 4.8 2.4 Laser gun 1 19.7 19.7 Minigun 2 14 7 Plasma gun 2 31.5 15.75 Railway rifle 4 20.1 5.03 Submachine gun 3 8.6 2.87 *...
I am running low on 5mm rounds for the minigun, but I just got a missile launcher and a nice number of missiles from some mutants. :D I haven't found many enemies wielding a fat man, but you're probably a higher level and further out from Sanctuary than me. Can't say I'm looki...
- Ranks 2-4 now do an additional 5% gun-bashing damage each, down from 25% each - for a total bonus of 25% at rank 4.- Rank 4 gun-bashing critical hit chance removed.- Ranks 2-4 still give a chance to chance to do bonus limb damage, but the bonus was reduced from 999x to ...
文件:FO4MinigunTurret.png 固定旋转机枪:可以通过控制台指令生成,但无法在工房中建造。需要一名居民操作,可以提高定居点10点防御值。Acts as a container with 100 5mm rounds. There are problems with the axes of the model making it difficult to place it such that it can fire. ...
The landscape ofFallout 4 VRis vast, and there are hundreds of quests, locations and characters to stumble across. There are also a plethora of weapons to handle, such as the ubiquitous assault rifle, the energy-based Laser Musket, the mini-nuke-hurling Fat Boy, and many more. Firing each...
多管机枪 (Minigun ) 0000433F 诱饵手雷 (Mirelurk Bait Grenade) 00030664 捣蛋发射器(Miss Launc...
00004344警棍Police Batton 00004345Pool Cue 00004346动力拳套Power Fist 00004347脉冲手雷Pulse Grande 00004331脉冲地雷Pulse Mine 0000433E涡轮步枪Rail Rifle 00004348Ripper 00004349火箭筒Rock-it launcher 0000434B短管双筒猎枪Sawn-Off Shotgun 0000434CScoped .44 Magnum 0000434DShiskebab 0000434ESilent 10mm Gun ...
Mini Nuke – 000E6B2E Armor / clothing codes of Fallout 4: Power Armor Fusion Core – 00075fe4 Agatha’s Dress – 000F15CF Airship Captain’s Hat – 0013AEF5 Army Fatigues – 00023431 Army Helmet – 00023432 Assault Gas Mask – 0007239E ...