(3)、求救信号(Distresssignal) 求救信号(Distresssignal),从钢铁兄弟会的一位骑士(BrotherhoodofSteelknight)的求救脉冲装置(DistressPulser)发出的信号,在曼科药研(Med-TekResearch)东南边的房屋废墟、国民警卫队训练场(NationalGuardtrainingyard)的招募办公室(RecruitmentOffice)和里维尔卫星站(RevereSatelliteArray),都有...
在联邦(The Commonwealth)随机刷旅行类(RETravel)随机事件的公路,如十松庄东边铁轨道路(获取十松庄工房控制权后就不再刷随机事件)、信号中继塔站3SM-U81东边南北通向的公路、摩顿中学通向通用原子购物广场的公路、曼科药研(Med-Tek Research)南边的公路、帕森斯奶酪厂西南的土路、李布码头通往里维尔卫星站的公路、剑桥...
#9, Raised by RobotsMed-Tek researchOn the large central laboratory table, lowest floor of the sub-level, where the Prevent is located. #15, Scars Are CoolCambridge Polymer LabsOn the desk inside the Director’s office, above the reception area. ...
Senior Scribe Neriah is the head of the Brotherhood's biological research department, and works in her lab on the main deck's top level. She is responsible for the dissection and analysis of fallen foes (such as super mutants and synths) in the hopes of finding any weaknesses or special ...
梅德福市(Medford City)的位置在现实中大致在神秘湖(Mystic Lakes)的北岸一带,切尔西市(Chelsea City)的位置在现实中大致在郡道十字路口(County Crossing)一带,而现实中切尔西市也是个小城镇,居民人口仅10万多,规模不大。摩顿市(Malden City),基于现实世界中的位置马萨诸塞州(Massachusetts)摩顿市(Malden City),...
One of the pre-eminent biomedical research companies in the United States, Med-Tek focused on enabling better living through chemistry. Their flagship products included the Mentats brand of addictive nootropics (in a variety of flavors) and Fixer brand of addiction suppressants. ...
在随机能刷出有名的特殊NPC的地点里,均能有很大机率遇到奈丝(Ness),这些地点一般是刷旅行类随机事件的公路,如十松庄东边铁轨道路(获取十松庄工房控制权后铁轨道路就不再刷随机事件)、信号中继塔站3SM-U81东边南北通向的公路、摩顿中学通向通用原子购物广场的公路、曼科药研(Med-Tek Research)南边的公路、帕森斯奶酪...
在随机能刷出有名的特殊NPC的地点里,均能有很大机率遇到奈丝(Ness),这些地点一般是刷旅行类随机事件的公路,如十松庄东边铁轨道路(获取十松庄工房控制权后铁轨道路就不再刷随机事件)、信号中继塔站3SM-U81东边南北通向的公路、摩顿中学通向通用原子购物广场的公路、曼科药研(Med-Tek Research)南边的公路、帕森斯奶酪...
Fallout Bible 0: "2055 The West Tek Research Facility starts working on a new virus to kill the New Plague. Their viral research and close ties to the federal government eventually lead to them being chosen for the Pan-Immunity Virion Project twenty years later as well as Power Infantry ...