Do you need a little help finding any place or item? Want to explore the entire map, find the best weapons or armors? This app will help you explore the wastela…
Do you need a little help finding any place or item? Want to explore the entire map, find the best weapons or armors? This app will help you explore the wastela…
Fallout 4 Guide Find in guide Interactive Maps Commonwealth Map Start tracking progressCreate a free account or Log in. Search Notes Show My Notes 0 Custom Markers Show My Markers 0 Custom Checklists Show My Checklists 0 All Markers Hide Complete 0 Incomplete 1,049 Collectibles Hide Bobblehe...
入口西边是售票厅(专家级锁),窗口有两张游乐园地图(Park map pamphlet);撬门进入,里面的墙壁上有保险箱(高级锁),柜台上和柜台后的桌子上有1000多张的核子电玩游乐场票卷(Nuka-Cade tickets)。出售票厅往东走,台面上北边有员工房间的入口门(新手级锁),撬开门后沿楼梯上楼,里面是控制室,在控制台上能拆下最后...
Buy Fallout 4 on PlayStation Store. Explore a vast open world ravaged by nuclear war in this award-winning RPG.
tmm 1,0,1 –Adds all map markers as undiscovered without fast travel.ToggleGodMode or tgm –Gives the player complete immunity to damage, radiation, and oxygen starvation underwater. It also gives unlimited ammo, carrying capacity, AP (reloading does use AP with some weapons), and removes th...
Vault 76 appears only inFallout 76and is mentioned inFallout 3andFallout 4. Behind the scenes Vault 76 decorated for the 5th Anniversary When reaching the first checkpoint, the "celebration" music fromFallout Shelterplays. In the Japanese version ofFallout 76, Reclamation Day is known as "Saisei...
Garvey, housed at the Sanctuary, to side with theMinutemen. The Minutemen will help you protect the Synths. If you plan on killing them instead, the faction retains a neutral stance and goes along with your decision. After dealing with the Synths, visit Father or Preston to complete the ...
Map with locations of the holotapes The map above presents the places on the world map which you must visit in order to find the nine remaining Eddie Winter holotapes (the tape number 1 was given to you at the start of the quest by Nick Valentine). In each of these locations you will...
Best Fallout 4 Cheats CheatDescription TGM Copy Toggles god mode for your character (makes you invincible). TCL Copy Toggles noclip mode for your character (you can walk through walls, objects, etc). TMM 1 Copy Show all map markers. unlock Copy Unlock the door, lock or terminal...