在3DM Mod站下载辐射4最新的28439-辐射4极低材质(炸鸡福利)——Ultra Low Textures For Fallout 4 Mod,由Cutesie 制作。ilee1010lzp在我们的平台上分享了这个免费且高质量的游戏模组,让玩家们可以享受到更加丰富的游戏体验。快来3DM Mod站下载并尝试吧!
I was hoping for a more pronounced improvement. Now I wonder if I couldn't see the forest for the low resolution tree textures. The age and limitations of Bethesda's engine are well apparent, but the Commonwealth is enticing. On the macro level, Fallout 4's scale and detail creates a ...
Vanilla textures are far too large for the majority of computers to handle, such as 2K-Res textures for 40-60% of all diffuse maps in the game, even on grass! This is ridiculous. This mod fixes that problem by selectively reducing texture size, using proper compression and retaining the ...
Water textures: Fallout4Prefs.ini -> [WATER]:bUseWaterDepth=0 bUseWaterDisplacements=0 bUseWaterReflections=0 bUseWaterRefractions=0Wetness effect: Fallout4Prefs.ini -> [DISPLAY]:bEnableWetnessMaterials=0Grass quality: Fallout4.ini, Fallout4Custom.ini -> [GRASS]:...
As you're likely aware, Texture Filtering, Anisotropic Filtering, and other similarly named options affect the sharpness of textures, especially those in the distance or on the sides of the screen. Without Anisotropic Filtering, surfaces lose definition, understandably degrading image quality. In Fall...
Data\Fallout - Textures.bsa|Data2\Fallout - Textures.bsa, Data\Fallout - Textures2.bsa, Data\Music\Dungeon\*.xma, Data\Music\Base\*.mp3, Data\Music\Battle\*.mp3, Data\Music\Explore\*.mp3, Data\Music\Public\*.mp3, Data\Music\Special\*.mp3bPreCullActors=1bTaskletActorSceneGraphUpdates=...
ExpandTextures Fallout 76 Makeshift vault, a work-in-progress vault made by Vault-Tec employees after learning the company would not allow them into other Vaults Vault 51, an experiment Vault to see how a computer will manage its residents Vault 63, a Vault for developing technologies to esta...
TEXTURES Spoiler: ShowLOCATION IMPROVMENT Spoiler: ShowCHARACTER Spoiler: ShowANIMATION Spoiler: ShowCLOTHING & ARMOUR Spoiler: ShowSETTLEMENT Spoiler: ShowWEAPONS Spoiler: ShowAUDIO Spoiler: ShowGAMEPLAY Spoiler: ShowLOD FIXES Spoiler: Show-= LFO =-[Overhauls] Lunar Fallout All in One Overhaul https...
SFontFile_1 Textures\Fonts\Glow_Monofonto_Large.fnt Player name on pipboy stats. SFontFile_2 Textures\Fonts\Monofonto_Large.fnt Pipbpy UI. SFontFile_3 Textures\Fonts\Glow_Monofonto_Medium.fnt Usage unknown. SFontFile_4 Textures\Fonts\Monofonto_VeryLarge02_Dialogs2.fnt Pipboy UI ...
Features high-quality custom textures and meshes. Features Adds new ballistic, energy, and explosive ammunition types. Modular design allows players to control which ammo types are added to their game. Lore-friendly additions inspired by previous Fallout games. 7. Radiation System & Healing Mechanics...