Jet Fuel is a consumable item in Fallout 4. Jet Fuel looks identical to regular Jet, being an inhaler with a red tank. The effects of the drug are different, however, and are similar to those of Jet in Fallout 3 and New Vegas. Can be crafted at any chemi
Basic enhancement Chems (Buffout, Med-X, Mentats, Jet and Psycho) will occur less in containers and the world, while advanced Chems like X-Cell, JetFuel, or Flavoured Mentats are unchanged.Food and DrinkThe spawn rate of Food items has been slightly reduced, while Nuka-Cola and it's ...
This variant of Jet is currently only known to be present in the Mojave Wasteland. Made by mixing Jet with Nuka-Cola and detergent, the product provides a greater energy rush due to the refinement. Jet FuelGameplay article: Fallout 4
(weapons) player.AddItem 00075FE4 10000; Fusion Core (power armor) player.AddItem 000DF279 10000; Gamma Round player.AddItem 0001DBB7 10000; Plasma Cartridge ; Other player.AddItem 000CAC78 10000; Flamer Fuel player.AddItem 001025AE 10000; Flare player.AddItem 000E942C 10000; Junk player....
Pistol 00004343电浆步枪Plasma Rifle 00004344警棍Police Batton 00004345Pool Cue 00004346动力拳套Power Fist 00004347脉冲手雷Pulse Grande 00004331脉冲地雷Pulse Mine 0000433E涡轮步枪Rail Rifle 00004348Ripper 00004349火箭筒Rock-it launcher 0000434B短管双筒猎枪Sawn-Off Shotgun 0000434CScoped .44 Magnum 0000434DS...
Cooper takes a serious amount of Jet through inhalers, including the series' only scene that emulates the game's constant looting action; in episode 4, after the ordeal in the Super Duper Mart, Cooper goes to absolute town on the various aid items left lying around. If you've eve...
These are ammunition codes of Fallout 4, what you can use to achieve different ammunitions such as round, Caliber, fusion cell, flamer fuel, Aliens blaster rounds and much more. .38 Round – 0004CE87 .44 Round – 0009221C .45 Round – 0001F66A ...
One of the reasons for the ban was that the controlled drug, morphine, was one of the chems that would have been available in-game. As a result of the ban, Bethesda decided to have it renamed to Med-X. Evidence of this last minute change is the fact Med-X's editor ID is "Morphin...
辐射4和辐射76仍然存在石油。它是一种用于制造的物品,意思是“包罗万象”的物品(意味着它可以是石油以外的油),但它的外观和存在于诸如灯笼、油箱和Mr. Handy fuel等物品中暗示它是一种石油衍生物。 美国的城市和地点 异尘余生宇宙的城市设计与现实世界有所不同,以至于通常只是表面上在布局和熟悉地标的出现与现实类...
This concoction of chems was originally produced as jet fuel for defused rockets. After some experimenting by second generation super mutants, it was found to offer unusual, yet very beneficial effects. Fire Reststance +30%, Plasma Resistance +30%, PER -3 "...