Fallout franchise is currently on discount on Steam and Modiphius just released Fallout: Factions, a new fast-paced PvP miniature skirmish game for 2 players, featuring the three NW raiders factions. (Edited by TigerSteeve) FalloutModiphius 3 0 Dcoff3001·2/4/2024in Lore Discussions Worst va...
this is the most mind numbing and boring mission I have ever played in any Fallout game. You are just running around moving blocks for what seems like an eternity. In Nuka world more than half quests involve you going back to the Commonwealth to do missions (some of which involve settlemen...
Fighting melee is cool, but I personally always preferred taking down myFallout enemies with either an assault or a laser rifle. There is no shortage of them inF4, and that’s where Perception comes in. If you don’t want to fall behind as you level up in the game and explore more d...
The console is a debugging tool in the computer versions of Fallout 4. It is useful for altering content while in-game, but may be used to cheat as well. It cannot be accessed in the console versions of the game or in Survival mode. In order to access th
Hi Josh! My question is about F:NV and the DLC Dead Money (my favorite~ ha) I have to admit, after meeting Christine and running as fast as I could to Veronica to explain my experience in that world, I was disheartened to only give her a holotape from her previous Elder and not ...
Once we'd locked down the perimeter, and gotten word that the purifier was running, we headed in to look for you. Found you and Sarah both unconscious, and got you back to the Citadel fast as we could."(Tristan's dialogue) ↑ The Lone Wanderer: "What else can you tell me about ...
i have still not made it to diamond city, too many other things to do. I don't think i'll ever get there hahaha So everyone (raiders) seems to have a fat man. I'm in one area where I have to go clean out some of these guys, and I keep seeing the nukes go off and i'm ...
This page is a list of loading screen hints and slides found in Fallout 4. They show snippets of the general information that is found in the stats section under the general tab on the player character's Pip-Boy 3000, along with information regarding the
Can someone help me figure out why my GPU usage is sitting at 60 percent and CPU is only a 6 percent? I am like 40 hours in and just noticed this when I turned on Nvidia overlay. The game was running a bit weird but moving in fast speed. I tried capping frame rate at 60 instead...
Fallout 4’s performance on both consoles is tolerable, but sometimes disappointing. We’ve seen frequent frame rate slowdowns well below the target of 30 when simply walking around the world, and hitches of a second or more that arise mostly after loading a new save or fast-traveling. The...