Find below a list of all Fallout 4 Clothing IDs. Clothing items are items that can be equipped via the wardrobe system. Usually clothing is purely cosmetic, but can sometimes offer bonuses and be useful in quests.Type the cheat code or name of an item into the search box to instantly ...
本帖最后由 夏夜天 于 2011-2-4 05:08 编辑 话说自己的ID密码忘记了 原来是J474696012 现在新注册...
player.removeItem < Item Code > < Amount > Copy Command Copy Full player.kill This command will set your health to 0, killing you. player.kill Copy Command Copy Full player.addperk This command will give your character the perk with the specified ID. player.addperk < Perk ID > Cop...
0119 PickRefByID PRIDSelect a reference by id for the console.011A SetLightingPasses SLP4 ...
Fallout 4 Object ID Codes for PC Published: November 20, 2015 by Cheat Code Central Staff Fallout 4 Object IDs [lasso rel="amzn-meta-quest-3-128gb-breakthrough-mixed-reality-powerful-performance-asgards-wrath-2-bundle" id="175390"] Use one of the following values with codes that require...
GetStage <QuestID> –Returns the quest's current stage number. Return Value is a 4 digit REAL; 10.00, 20.00, 30.00, etc. sqt –Show Quest Target: Generates a list of current quest targets. Can also be used to find Quest IDs. CompleteQuest <QuestID> –Completes the given quest. ResetQ...
coc [cell id]– To teleports the player to an arena coc qasmoke– This code will teleport you to a room full with the boxes coc prewartvstudio– The funny Easter-egg. getav CA_affinity– to view the targeted companions’ affinity to you. ...
Supposedly, some people have picked through the source code for Fallout 4 and found a lot of evidence of pieces of the story they originally intended to put in, but skipped over. I have a feeling this game was a victim of sales/marketing people and others internally who demanded it ship ... gog2002x Modding is fun! gog2002x 抱歉,给定用户的数据目前不可用。请稍后重试。 查看用户信息 查看愿望单 开始会话 邀请好友 邀请好友 接受邀请 接受邀请 待处理的邀请… 自{{ user.formattedDa...
SteamGameId: 377160 Command: ['/home/***/.local/share/Steam/steamapps/common/Fallout 4/Fallout4Launcher.exe'] Options: {'forcelgadd', 'noesync'} depot: 0.20220329.49 pressure-vessel: 0.20220315.0 scripts: v0.20220311.0-0-gae4cbed soldier: 0.20220329.0 soldier 0.20220329.0 Kernel: Linux...