Should this for some reason not work, you can always set your keyboard's language layout to US in the Windows control panel. After restarting Fallout 4 pressing the equivalent button from above will open the console.In order to access the console, you will need to use the key appropriate ...
↑11.011.1Boston Bugle building terminal entries; Boston Bugle article terminal, Article 4 ↑The Whitespring bunker terminal entries; Archival terminal, Schematic Archives, Prototype Power Armor Schematics ↑13.013.1TheCourier:"I'd like to know about you." ...
Things like High Value Target have you get ambushed by assassins at random moments and Conduit of Radiation makes you irradiated when not in an irradiated zone, but removes radiation when in an irradiated area. These are fun and clever ways to play the game with some new constraints. There a...
This will increase their happiness, to power the lights you need to connect a power conduit to the building and attach a pylon with a generator to the conduit on the house, this way you can power the objects inside of the house. Now that you have your settlers starting to pour in you...
- Conduit of Radiation (Passive) (ID: D2EE11) -> You become increasingly irradiated even when you are not in an irradiated area, alternatively you may remove the radiation when you are in an irradiated area. - Near Death Experience (Passive) (ID: D2EE12) -> Your action points only ...
Fallout: New Vegas loading screens: "A Glowing One is a unique Feral Ghoul that has become a living conduit of radiation.""A glowing one uses its special ability to deliver radiation to its enemies and heal any nearby feral ghouls."
That it's a conduit. Maybe it is. Unsure 437 00571FFB Network has been tracking this beast for a while. This Deathclaw is wildly aggressive and... remembers. Waits. It needs to be destroyed. Warning, kill this thing. 438 00571FFC I heard a chem junkie say she could see in this...