"Raider Torch These Raiders love playing with fire. They sweep into a town with gas tanks strapped to their backs, and start burning everything in sight. Those tanks, though, are their weakness. They explode if you shoot them, and the resulting conflagration will wipe them out. (This is ...
how to reload ammunition. They looked at me like I was some kind of a sorcerer. So I taught them how to make explosives, and started drilling them on small unit tactics.If there's anything I learned as a Follower of the Apocalypse, it's that there's a lot of good information in ol...
NPCs, as well, can have a greater sense of self-preservation but to a lesser degree than creatures and, as with size and stat scaling, the chances are randomised based off their base value -- so Raiders are more likely to turn tail and run than Outcast for example.:: Diverse Creature ...
0137 ToggleTrees TTTurn trees on/off 0138 SetCameraFOV FOVChange the camera's field of ...
know and appreciateBloodborne‘s theaters of bloodshed in a way you never quite do the most convoluted ofFallout 4‘s dungeons, and evenMGSV‘s fortified bases seem a bit superficial by comparison. It’s too often a question of waiting for a guard to turn his back, or where to take...
BTW,glowing ghoulsare ghouls that suck up too many radsafterthey have become ghouls. We originally wantedLennyin F2 to be able to turn into a glowing ghoul when he drinks too much radioactive liquor, but we didn't put it in. One fromAzaelfrom the Fallout BIS message boards: ...